Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jessi POV

I kept wondering what test she was talking about. “Amaria?” I asked. “Yes?” She looked at me knowing I had a question. “The test? What will happen?” She sighed as if what was spoken in assembly was not something she wished to repeat. 

“They basically did a welcoming speech, very boring, but the fun part was when the headmaster mentioned the coming of age test. This test is conducted at schools as a lot of Angels, they do come of age when in school and it’s usually their first year. Anyways, the test, I guess you can call it something like an escape room. You walk into the room, and depending on who you are as a person, the test or task will be best suited to you.” She explained word from word what the headmaster had said. 

It’s not my fault when I have just made contact with one of my mates. Yeah, one of them. I was attracted to one and the one beside him, I am assuming is his friend, looked to me and gave me the mate look. First contact can be-well it can be very distracting. I mean, did it happen at the worst timing? Sure, am I glad to make contact? Yes and am I confused? Most definitely.

All I know is that, two mates for one person, is something that has never, never occurred before. Because of this, I don’t think anyone will have an explanation. We sat in our dorm but were interrupted when someone came knocking on the door. I answered it and saw that it was my brother Yoongi.

“Hi Yoongi, what’s the matter?” I asked, kind of annoyed that he even had the nerve to show up but was wondering why he was there. “It’s almost time for your test. Come, the others and I are conducting it.” I looked at Amaria and we made our way to the testing hall. It seemed small on the inside, but knowing what was happening in here, it was simple deception magic.

When Yoongi made his way to the front of the hall, Amaria and I made our way to where the New kids stood. I finally made contact with both of my “mates” and was very rudely but gladly interrupted by my brother Namjoon’s booming voice.

“Listen up! This test is important-“ he was interrupted by the very handsome man. The one I originally saw but didn’t make contact with. His personality seemed to fit his look. Cold. “It’s important because you will finally get to find your powers-“ he was interrupted by my brother Jin. I guess what Amaria said was true, they were not friends, not one but.

“Thank you, Yeonjun.” Ah, so Yeonjun was his name. A really nice name. “Now, you are used to baby powers, be prepared, these powers will be very uncontrollable at first, so don’t try anything stupid first go.” I was so embarrassed. Externally, this little banter was seemingly petty. But, I know there is something deeper to this and I wanted to find out what, so I could stop it.

They started to do a roll call and one by one each of them would walk in, complete their task and walk back out, some looked quite beaten up. I was the final person and my name was called by the mate whom I made first contact with. He helped me walk into the room and I don’t think my brothers were okay with that but I didn’t care.

I walked into the room and there was this giant Rock? It had a handprint engraved into it and set there for what seemed to be eternity. I figured that since there was a handprint for someone of my size,
I could place my hand there and I hoped there would be no complications. I placed my hand on the rock and the environment around me began to change.

The rock moved to a higher place. The room was filled with a Little Rock pool. It was very serene, the waterfall sound was relaxing. I stood upon the grass to move on step and below me, the ground froze. I have never been able to do that before. I walked to the lake and place my hand slightly on the water and it froze, running all the way up to the waterfall.

Even though it was frozen, it was not enough to reach the stone. The first thing I thought of was to make some stepping stones of ice but how was I going to do that? I guess I would do it the way I did the water, think and do. I raised my right hand with my palm facing the ceiling and at the same time thought of picking up a small chunk of ice from the lake. It worked the first time as the chunk moved to where I could place my foot upon it. I did this as many times and because I didn’t want to use all the water from the lake, I reused the steps. After sixteen steppes, I finally made it to the 
Stone. I unfroze all the water and then placed my hand once again in the imprint.

The environment changed again. This time to a forest with a massive wildfire. The stone did not move and therefore I knew I had to stop the fire. But this task was not for fire only but for nature. I had to stop the fire and help make nature green once more. Stopping the fire was hard. I didn’t know how. The fire soon engulfed me in a circle and it became very hot. Water did not work for this fire, I guess it truly was a special type of fire. 

Then something came to my mind as I noticed a bunch of torches placed around. I stood up and gathered the fire then scattered it to the torches. One by one, starting from the torch nearest to me and ending at the one furthest, the flames took their place. Now all I needed to do was restore Nature. 

I tried my hardest but nothing happened. I leaned my hand upon a tree as I was tired and also kind of embarrassed as I knew they would be watching me from outside. Eventually I became so weak I could not hold myself up. I sat down on the ground and when I placed my hand on the ground, a little baby peony sprouted. It was so cute. I now realised that in order to activate my nature abilities, I needed to have contact. 

I softly glided my hand over the burnt parts of the forest and slowly the colour green was all that I could see. I stepped back to look at my work and I felt proud of myself. Seeing how others struggled to even understand their task, I would say I am doing pretty good.I turned around to place my hand on the stone and once I did, the environment switched to a town. They were just about to be hit by a huge tornado. 

I needed to move the tornado so that it wouldn’t harm the townspeople. I struggled at first but once I got the gist of my powers, I could do it. Sadly, the tornado picked up the stone. I brought the tornado back to me and stopped it. Once I did, things it picked up had flung through the air. One by one I used the air around me to bring it all safely back to the ground. I placed my hand on the stone and I was sent back to the hall.

Many people clapped for me, my brothers were almost in tears, I had all the elements. But even through all that, I still focused on my mates.

Angel's Academy- Txt Beomgyu and Yeonjun and members of Txt featuring Bangtan🔞 Where stories live. Discover now