☽✴☾ 6 ☽✴☾

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☽✴☾ September 5 ☽✴☾

Izuku was returning from his afternoon training when his father called him into his office. After entering Izuku looked over at the two men who stood before him, one was his father and the other someone he knew but had never actually met until this day. The man had been in their house many times before, but never stayed long and only ever spoke with Hisashi. He was quite tall, around six foot four, Izuku estimated. A giant compared to the overly small omega boy who stood at just under four foot five. The tall man's appearance was a stark contrast to that of Izuku's father. Where Hisashi had jet black hair this man's hair was stark white. Their eyes were different as well, Hisashi's being a muddy green while the man had luminous red eyes, that at the moment were peering at Izuku. The only similarity the men shared was the same as the boy, all three had a smattering of dark freckles adorning their cheeks. Izuku sniffed, picking up his father's abhorrent scent, and that of the other alpha. The other man's scent was similar to that of his father but sweeter, different. There was wine, but a crisper apple wine, and maple wood smoke. This scent was not however disgusting to the small omega it was slightly comforting, but the green haired boy didn't know or understand why. Though he still did not trust the man.

"Izuku, this is your uncle, my older brother. Kaori Shigaraki!" his father introduced, with a small gesture toward the other man in the room with them. Izuku's attention was now fully on his father. Izuku noticed that his father was in a nice suit, and was in fact wearing the shoes, Rolex, and chain he had stolen from the man whose life he had taken just months earlier. "It's about time I got to meet him in person, Hisashi!" the man now known as Kaori said. His voice was melodious and calm, but Izuku could just sense the anger in it. Izuku's eye flicked from his father to the man, he too was dressed in a nice expensive suit. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sir." Izuku said, extending his hand to his uncle. The tall male took Izuku's hand, shaking it. "Just call me All For One. It's nice to finally meet you as well, son." Kaori said, with a small smile. Izuku felt a jolt of electricity surge from his hand through his body, it was truly strange. When their hands separated Izuku felt something in his, a folded piece of paper. He lowered his hand, understanding by the look in the man's red eyes he was to keep whatever was on the paper a secret. "Hisashi, we are late. Let's go." The white haired man said with a stern voice. "Alright brother." Hisashi said as the two men headed for the door, the boy on their heels. After leaving the office the men headed down the hall, while Izuku went to enter his room. "Izuku! Your mother and I will be gone for a few days. You know the rules for when we are gone, and for school. I expect them to be followed. Understand!?" The black haired alpha growled. This sent a shiver down Izuku's spine, yes he was skilled and could kill the male at any time but years of beatings had made the boy fear the man. "Yes Sir Understood." Izuku chimed.

Izuku sighed with relief once he was in his bedroom, placing the paper onto his desk. He gathered his night clothes, before heading across into the shower. After that he set out his clothing for the next day, it would be his first day ever to attend school, and he was excited, nervous, and apprehensive all at once. His backpack and supplies were all situated and ready by his bedroom door. With everything done the small green eyed omega boy flopped on his bed, pulled the cover over him and let sleep devour him. Forgetting all about the folded sheet of paper his uncle had slipped him.

☽✴☾ September 6 ☽✴☾

Izuku woke up with a bit of excitement in the air. Today was the day he got to leave his house and attend a normal school with other kids his own age. He showered, brushed his hair and teeth in record time. After dressing in his uniform he realized it was scratchy and uncomfortable, but he didn't care one bit, too happy to dwell on the annoyance of it. The green-haired boy was about to exit his room when he noticed the folded sheet of paper on his desk. Remembering where it had come from he stopped and went to collect it. Izuku opened the page to see unfamiliar writing.

Izuku, my boy.

                 This is my number xxx-xxx-xxxx if you're ever in true need of my assistants don't hesitate to call.


The note was short and to the point, Izuku felt a strange sensation in his chest. He shoved the feeling aside and the note in his pocket for later. He grabbed all his needed belongings and headed out of his room and down the stairs. The green haired boy made himself a small breakfast and prepared his meager lunch. They had to keep suspicion away so Izuku was to take a small lunch with to school for that point on. It was nothing special, a piece of fruit, a sandwich, and water, nothing more nothing less. Izuku had already received his schedule and all the necessary papers from the school. The boy had studied the map of the school and the route he would need to take to get there. Having memorized everything weeks earlier. Izuku was advanced compared to most middle schoolers thanks to his fathers insistence, so he would be in all AP classes.

With a smile on his face the green eyed omega boy left his house, locking the door behind him. He looked up at the early morning sky as he walked, enjoying the cool breeze that tousled his curls. It only took Izuku twenty minutes to walk the ten blocks to the school. As he approached he stopped and began searching through his backpack, there was a very important part of his uniform that Izuku was required to wear that he wasn't looking forward to. The boy pulled the box from his bag and opened the lid. There it sat, a brand new black leather scent blocking, anti marking collar. Izuku had never worn a collar before and when he had tried the thing on weeks ago he had hated it. It was tight and rubbed against the skin of his neck uncomfortably, but just like the scratchy uniform Izuku would endure it. He thought he would endure just about anything to be able to attend school.

Izuku brought the collar to his neck, pushing the fancy electronic locking mechanism in place. To open the collar you needed a fingerprint and code word. It was set that way so if an alpha tried to force the omega to remove it they could say the danger word instead of the safe word. The collar then made a sharp piercing noise that would alert anyone in a five mile radius that an omega was in trouble. Izuku took a deep calming breath and walked the last few feet to the school and headed inside.

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