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☽✴☾ March 9 ☽✴☾

All for one held the small pup in his lap, his arms wrapped around her securely. While Afo and Suki had a whispered conversation, the ground zero members were focused on their abducted members. Denki and Mina were currently being untied from the chairs they were in. The two had a few visible bruises forming on their faces and arms. Katsuki and the others were positive there were more in places that couldn't be seen. It was a lot less than they had expected, so that was always good. After a few minutes the pinkette and electric blond were free. Mina stood first, Ochaco rushing to her side, and helping her walk away from the chair she had been restrained in. Denki stood next, wobbling a little. Hitoshi didn't wait for a word from their leader he moved out of there formation and scooped his mate into his arms bridal style. Denki whimpered as the action caused him some pain. "Shh baby. You're ok, I got you." Hitoshi cooed to his mate. "Love you Toshi." Denki said as he nuzzled his face into his alphas neck, taking in deep breaths of his alphas scent. "Momo take them out to the car's. Once you've checked them over, report back." Katsuki stated. The five members of the ground zero group made their way slowly out of the abandoned building. No one from the league made a move or sound. The entire group of people stood silently waiting.

After some time, no one knew exactly how long All for One stood with a deep sigh. The white haired alpha shook his head, then put his grandchild on her feet. Suki walked over to her dam and Sire. Izuku picked his daughter up, propping her on his hip. "Don't worry mommy, I told grandpa everything." the little girl said with a smile. Izuku, not sure what all she meant by everything, centered his attention on his father. "Seems our little Izu is not only fated to Dynamite, he has also decided to let the redhead court him." Afo announced. Spinner, and Compress face palmed, a look of sheer terror on there faces. Kurogiri sighed and shook his head. Jin and Himiko snickered. "Oh shit, looks like you and Dabi are in trouble shiggy." Himiko giggled. Tomura's face paled even more than it already was. Izuku automatically knew that Eijiro was going to be in a much worse state than the other two who had just been released from these comments. "Kacchan?" Izuku said the name like a question. Katsuki just nodded, letting his omega know to do whatever it was he needed. "Rikido, could you please take Suki back out to the car. And tell Momo to hurry and get back in here." Izuku asked as he handed his child to the large beta. "You got it, Izu." the brown haired male said. He took Suki, putting the child on his shoulder and left the room.

🚫⚠️TW = Blood and Disfigurement mentioned Ahead⚠️🚫

"Now Izuku, take a breath and try to keep calm." Kurogiri urged the greenette. "Zuku, don't get mad, okay." Tomura stated. "Dabi bring him out." Afo called out. The black haired alpha came out from the same place as the two blondes from earlier. Jin and Himiko moved over and away from where they would be. Eijiro, like the others, was tied to a chair, his head was flopped back and hung loosely. The red haired alphas left eye was swollen shut with a nasty bruise covering it. Blood slowly spilled from a cut over his right eye leaving a trail across his forehead. Eijiro's nose was also bloody, the blood had trickled down and dried over his lips that were covered by tape. The blood trail went down his chin and neck, staining the front of his shirt. There were forming bruises all over his arms, and most likely all over his body. His fingers that had been in the braces were black and blue, and looked as if they might be broken. The bandage that covered the cut on his neck was also soaked in blood. An angry growl not only emitted from Katsuki, but also Shoto, and Fumikage. The three alphas were pissed at the state of their red headed lover and friend. Though their angry growls were nothing compared to the feral snarl that left the small omegas lips. "WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THIS? WHO TOUCHED MY ALPHA? WHY WAS HE BEATEN SO BADLY?" Izuku growled in a deep menacing voice. "He smelled like you and we thought..." Tomura started to say. Izuku's head snapped away from his red haired alpha to look at his brother. His green eyes were narrowed into slits, a dark, dangerous aura surrounded the small omega. "I... I..." Tomura stutters. "It was me. Your brother only hit him once. I did the rest." Dabi spoke up in defense of his mate.

Izuku took a few menacing steps toward the black haired alpha. "Why?" was all Izuku asked. "He was covered in your scent. We thought that maybe he had touched you or something." the blue eyed alpha explained. "HAHA! You really think that little of me, Dabi. You really believe I would allow anyone to touch me if I didn't want them to?" Izuku asked. As all this happened Katsuki just watched beaming with pride, this was his omega, his mate, his Zuzu. "That's my omega." the blond whispered, lightly elbowing the two alphas behind him. Shoto and Fumikage just shook their heads at their bosses' prideful smile. Izuku pointed to the floor in front of him. "Dabi you're my brother's mate and I love you both but if you don't submit and apologize right this instant, I'm going to rip your dick off and shove it so far up my brother's ass he'll have to have it surgically removed." Izuku snarled. Both alphas gulped, knowing damn well the little omega meant what he said. "Shouldn't you do something to stop this?" Kurogiri whispered to Afo. "Nah, this is entertaining. Besides, maybe it will teach Tomura a lesson." the white haired alpha replied. Both Tomura and Dabi were now kneeling at Izuku's feet, apologizing for hurting his alpha and begging for the greenettes forgiveness. "If you ever touch either of my alphas again, brother or not. I will gut you like a fish and leave your body parts scattered around the city." Izuku growled harshly. Both alpha swallowed hard and nodded vigorously.

🚫⚠️TW = Over for now⚠️🚫

At that moment Momo reentered, seeing the state of the redheaded alpha she rushed to his side. The black haired beta cleaned the blood from the alpha while the others watched. "It's not as bad as it looks. He will need his stitches replaced and his fingers are broken but he'll be ok with plenty of rest." Momo said. She then pulled a small tube from her bag and ran it under Eijiro's nose. The alpha jolted awake, upon seeing Momo and his mates he was overjoyed. Eijiro was released from his confines, and with the help of Shoto, and Momo he was led out of the building. Izuku turned back to his family. "I'm going home with Kacchan now, dad. I'll call you when I've calmed down. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. Goodbye." Izuku said, he was still pissed. The greenette then took his alphas hand and they left.

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