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☽✴☾ March 9 ☽✴☾

The next morning Izuku was awoken by movement from behind him and hushed voices. He felt safe and warm between the two large alphas. He barely peeked an eye open to find his daughter still sleeping curled into the large chest of her Sire. Izuku had expected to be the first one awake but by the movement he felt and the voices he knew he wasn't. Being naturally curious he kept his breathing steady and pretended to still be sleeping. Izuku felt as the thumb of the hand that rested on his hip slipped under the hem of his nightshirt to softly caress the bare flesh just above his shorts. A second sensation of a finger drawing little patterns on the exposed skin of his arm was also felt by the greenette. Izuku didn't mind, it felt nice actually. "You're so lucky Kats. He's so beautiful. I can't wait until I can truly call him my mate." Eijiro whispered out. "He truly is something special. I thought I was dreaming when I saw him pinning you down in that room yesterday. I had forgotten just how perfect he is." Katsuki replied. "How long has it been since you last saw him?" the redhead asked. "More than six years. Gods it hurt like hell itself, when my parents dragged me away that day. The bond was pulling, and stretching, and my alpha was going crazy in my head. Screaming at me for leaving our mate." the blond replied. "I remember you telling me. I think you said it was like you were being ripped apart and burned from the inside." Eijiro said. "I tried to run away and go back for him, five different times. Each time I was stopped or caught by my parents." Katsuki told him. "Wow really, you never told me that." the red head replied. "Took more than a year before I convinced the old hag to let me go back. When I did there was no trace of him. Not at the school, Not in the city, Not even in his house." the blonde explained. "I remember." Eijiro replied. "Shit I forgot You were with me then." Katsuki chuckled.

"How are you feeling about having a kid?" Eijiro askes. "Surprised, like a lot. I thought omegas could only get pregnant during heats. So yeah big surprise, but really good. She's fucking amazing, and born on my birthday too." the blonde said with a happy smile. "I know you saw the video Mina took but you should have seen her Kats, she's amazing. No, they're both amazing. I didn't learn to shoot a gun until after we met when I was sixteen. She's five and better than me." the red head laughed. It was a little loud and the two went silent for a few minutes when Izuku moved a bit. The greenette was amused by Eijiro's comment about his pup, and laughed to himself which caused the movement. Izuku resettled himself, feigning sleep still.

"So what all do you think he's gonna tell you today?" Eijiro asked, changing the subject. "I don't know but I'm sure it's going to be a lot. With what pony tail asked, the way he replied, and his back, I just don't know." Katsuki said. "His back?" the redhead asked with confusion evident in his voice. "I noticed it yesterday when I was holding him. I could feel them through his shirt." the blond said. Izuku felt the fingers on his arm disappear, and then the back of his pajama shirt was being lifted ever so lightly. Izuku tensed up but then remembered he was going to tell them today anyway and forced himself to relax. Eijiro gasped aloud when he saw all of the raised lines that littered the greenettes back. "I'm going to kill whoever did that to him." Eijiro growled, his pheromones going haywire with rage. "Ei, calm down. Control your pheromones, you're going to wake them up."Katsuki scolded, releasing calming pheromones of his own to combat the other alphas. "Too late. On both accounts." Izuku stated. The two large alphas yiped, being startled by the sudden voice. They both looked to see sparkling emeralds looking up at them. "Wait what?" Katsuki said, finally catching what the greenette had said. "What do you mean on both accounts?" the blond asked. "First I've been awake since before Eiji said I was beautiful. Thank you by the way." Izuku said. He then proceeded to take the redhead's hand and kissed the center of his palm. "And second my parents... er my mother and step father are already dead." Izuku explained.

"So it was your parents who did that to you?" Eijiro asked. "My step father, yes. My mother was an absent parent and allowed it to happen. It's all part of what I am going to explain to you later. I still have family, my dad, and an older half brother, and others who aren't blood but are still family. They're probably going crazy with worry. Kacchan Is there any way I could call them to let them know Suki and I are ok?" Izuku replied. "You can't use any of our phones, they're on a secure service so they can be traced. But I can send someone out to get you a phone." the blond explained. Izuku perked up at that. The three of them now moved into a seated position in the bed, while Suki continued to sleep in between Katsuki and Izuku. "I can do it." Eijiro spoke up. "Huh? What about Izuku telling us what he needs to?" Katsuki asks. "I was thinking about that. He needs to tell you these things right now. You're his true mate, and as the leader needs to know as well. But We are just now courting, and I want him to trust me with his past, not be forced to tell me. I want him to be ok with me knowing these things. So I figured I would let him tell you and he could tell me once he was ready and comfortable to do so." the red head told both of them. Izuku was looking at the red head with so much admiration at that moment. "Th... thank you Eiji. That means a lot to me." Izuku said. "Fine by me." Katsuki replied. "I'll get Izu a new phone, and Suki a new tablet to replace the one we destroyed when they were taken. I also have a few things I need to get. Is there anything the two of you need?" the red head says as he exits the bed and walks toward the closet, disappearing inside. The two think while they wait on his return. Eijiro is dressed in black ripped jeans, a black muscle shirt and black converse, a red and black flannel tied around his waist, and a red bandana around his head.

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