☽✴☾ 72 ☽✴☾

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☽✴☾ March 10 ☽✴☾

Izuku quickly but gently moved off Eijiro's lap and the bed, ending up standing on the opposite side. Katsuki chuckled at the reaction of his mates. "We brought you breakfast you should eat before it gets much colder." Katsuki said. The blonde grabbed the two plates of food, handing one to Eijiro and the other to Izuku. Katsuki pulled over a chair, then sat down pulling Izuku into his lap. Both the red head and green head began to eat the food. Suki stood at the side of the bed looking at the red head as he ate. "Papa, I'm sorry Uncle Tomura and Uncle Dabi beat you up. Are you mad at me and mommy now? It's ok if you are." Suki said, a sad look on her face. Eijiro choked on the bite of food he had just placed in his mouth causing him to cough. "What! Of course I'm not mad. It wasn't either of your faults. Stuff like this happens sometimes. Why would you think something like that?" the redhead blurted out after he stopped coughing. "Well, I went to say sorry to all the others. Mr. Hanta, Auntie Mina, and Auntie CoCo said the same as you. They said it wasn't mine or mommy's fault and they weren't mad. But when I went to apologize to Mr. Denki, the purple haired troll yelled at me. He said this was our fault and that you should have just gotten rid of us when we first got here. Then he said to stay the hell away from him and his mate." Suki explained. Her small lip quivered, and her eyes began to brim with tears. "I just wanted to say sorry." the blonde girl continued. The small curtained off area began to fill with the scent of burnt caramel and rotten apples. A deep low growl emitting from not only Katsuki but Eijiro as well, the alphas were pissed. "Kacchan, Eiji, Pl...please calm down." Izuku whimpered. The greenette tried to cover the alphas scent with his own calming one. "Hitoshi has every right to be angry. He already doesn't like me. I wish he hadn't taken it out on Suki, but his mate was injured. I'm sure he'll get over once Denki is all healed up." Izuku explained. The green bean was doing his best to defuse the situation.

Eijiro put his food aside and with a little help pulled the little blonde girl up on the bed and into his lap. The red head scented the child quickly before hugging her tightly. "Don't worry about what the purple troll says. It wasn't your fault. If someone kidnapped you like we did, Your daddy and I would have kicked the shit out of them too." Eijiro said to her. "Thats right we would have fucked them up." Katsuki reiterated. This caused the little girl to laugh. "We all love you and your mom very much, princess." the blonde alpha told his daughter. "I love you, daddy, papa and momma." Suki said. She smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. Izuku and Eijiro finished their breakfast.

Then the little family sat and chatted for a while, about anything they could think of. "Ahem, may I enter?" Momo called from outside the curtain. "Yeah come on in Momo." Eijiro replied. The black haired beta doctor entered, she held a bottle of water and a small paper cup in her hand. "It's time for your next dose of antibiotics and pain meds. How are you feeling." the raven haired woman asked. "Not too bad actually, I'm sore but it's nothing I can't handle." the red head replies. "That's good. I think we will be able to let you out of here later tonight after dinner, but for now you should get some more rest." Momo explains as she hands him the little cup and water. Eijiro puts the cup then the bottle to his lips, swallowing the pills. "We should go then so you can sleep." Izuku says. He has already stood from Katsuki's lap. "Ok but you'll come back right?" Eijiro askes. "Tch, of course shitty hair." Katsuki says after gathering the dishes from breakfast. "We'll all come back and have dinner with you later, ok papa." Suki says after climbing down off the bed. "Sounds good to me." Eijiro replies. He looks over to Izuku and Katsuki expectantly. Izuku moves and places a soft kiss to the redheads lips, Katsuki following suit and doing the same.

"Wait Kat." Eijiro calls, just before they're gone. The blonde man walks back over. The red head pulled him down and whispered a few words into his ear. Izuku just looks at them, raising an eyebrow. Katsuki nods. "Yeah, yeah. I got you covered. Now get some rest." Katsuki gruffs out. The three then leave the redhead to sleep and go about the rest of their morning, and afternoon.

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