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☽✴☾ March 5 ☽✴☾

Izuku was woken the next morning by the rising sun shining through the windows. 'Ugh. need to ask Ochaco about some curtains' Izuku thought as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes with a wide yawn. He was still tired but knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. With a huff, he checked on his daughter who was still sleeping in the bed beside him. He had no Idea when Suki would wake up, or when Ochaco would arrive with their breakfast so the greenette decided to get in a quick workout. Izuku spent the next what he thought was an hour to an hour and a half doing his basic workout. Stretches, sit ups, crunches, pushups, and whatever else he could do in the room without any equipment. He had just finished his flexibility exercises when Suki yawned and sat up in bed. "Morning momma," the little girl said in a sleepy voice. "Good morning, my sunshine. Did you sleep well?" Izuku asked. "Yes, did you?" the little girl replied with a small nodd. "I did." the greenette said. Izuku went into the closet, picking out some clothes for the day. "I'm gonna shower. You should get dressed, who knows when Ochaco will arrive with breakfast." the green eyed man told her. "Okay momma." Suki said, climbing out of the bed and heading straight for the closet. While Izuku showered and cleaned himself from his workout Suki dresses herself in plain white socks, black sweatpants with pink and blue butterflies on the legs, and a pink hoodie, with the same butterflies and the word butterfly on it.

The five year old blond then sat and began to play with the plastic tea set Mina had brought her the day before

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The five year old blond then sat and began to play with the plastic tea set Mina had brought her the day before. Izuku finished his shower, covered his body from head to toe with lotion, added product to his long curls, deciding to just leave them down for the day and got dressed. He chose black and purple socks, black ripped skinny jeans, and a long sleeve, body hugging black and purple shirt with an angel and devil bear sewn together on the front.

Like this but picture the shirt tighter and form fitting.

He contemplated grabbing a hoodie from the closet but figured he didn't need it as they would most likely be spending the day locked in that room again

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He contemplated grabbing a hoodie from the closet but figured he didn't need it as they would most likely be spending the day locked in that room again. Izuku ran a brush through Suki's hair, deciding to leave hers down as well, then sat down and played with his daughter as they waited for their newest friend.

The two Midoriya's didn't wait long; it was only fifteen minutes later when Ochaco, and Mina entered the room. Suki got right up from her seat running across the room to the two women. "Good morning Miss Mina, Miss Ochaco." Suki said as she hugged each of them. "Good morning Suki" they both replied, Mina ruffling the girls hair. Izuku turned to look at the woman and noticed something, Ochaco wasn't carrying a tray of food. He raised an eyebrow at her questioningly, but before he could say anything Mina spoke. "So, Izuku. The second in command returned from his mission this morning. He has been filled in on all that has happened since he left. He wants to meet you before he makes a decision on whether you have to be locked in this room, until the boss comes back." Mina explained. "Okay, that's perfectly understandable." Izuku replied, standing to face them. "He's an alpha, and we just wanted to make sure you were comfortable being alone with him." Ochaco said, before bending down and scooping up Suki who was asking to be picked up. "Why wouldn't I be?" Izuku asked, confused. "Well you're an unmated Omega with a child. We just assumed..." Mina began but cut herself off looking at Suki. Izuku understood now. " Ah. I see. You assumed I'd be afraid to be alone with a alpha, because you though I was raped and that was how I got Suki." Izuku said, a little ashamed. Suki gasped in Ochaco's arms. "My daddy would have never done something like that." the little girl screeched. "It's okay princess, they didn't know." Izuku says to his daughter who was getting agitated, her scent filling Ochaco's nose, making the female omega whimper. "I did get pregnant at a young age. But her father and I loved each other very much. Unfortunately his parents took him and moved away before I even knew I was pregnant. It was a spur of the moment thing, we didn't even get to say goodbye to each other and we lost touch and have not seen each other since then. I'm not afraid of alphas." the greenette explained to the two women. "Oh well, we're sorry for just assuming." Mina said for them both with a sheepish grin. "It's not a problem, you're not the first." Izuku said.

"So you said he wanted to meet me alone? What about Suki?" the green haired man asked. "Oh yeah we were gonna ask if it was ok for her to come with us to our room and play while you talk to Red." Ochaco told him. "She'll be safe with us, I swear on my life." Mina said when she saw the protective glance Izuku gave his child. "Um I don't know." Izuku faltered. He liked these women but did he really trust them with his precious baby. "Momma, It will be okay." Suki said to him. "Umh, I guess. I mean if you wanted to hurt her you could just take her, so." Izuku said. 'Of course you'd be dead in a matter of seconds if you actually tried though' the greenette thought. Ochaco sat the little blonde on her feet. "Your mom shouldn't be busy for too long so how about we take your coloring books and color while we wait?" the brunette said to her. "Oh yeah that sounds like fun." Suki squealed, while clapping her hands in front of her. The child gathered the things she needed and went back over to the two women. "Already." Suki said, clutching her crayons and coloring books. Ochaco took the supplies while Mina scooped the child into her arms, then the three knocked on the door and left the room. Izuku stood waiting for the alpha to enter.

Out in the hall, Ochaco and Mina stepped in front of a tall alpha with red spiky hair and eyes. Suki tilted her head examining the male, she leaned away from Mina toward him and sniffed. "Is this the child?" the man asked. Ochaco opened her mouth to answer but was cut off by Suki speaking. "I Am. I like your scent, and you don't give me any creepy vibes. But If you hurt my momma, I'll bite you. Got it Red" the little blonde said in a matter of fact tone, with a slight growl. The red head smiled at the girl. "My name is Eijiro Kirishima, and I have no intentions of harming your mother. I swear it." the red eyed alpha said. "Okay then." the child said not bothering to introduce herself. The red eyed male chuckled and patted the little girl on the head. He moved around the group and headed into the room that held the greenette.

"Damn, you got guts, kid." Ochaco said. "Are you afraid of anything?" Mina asked the child. "Momma taught me, never show your afraid even when you are. If you don't show fear then it can't be used against you." The small girl told them. "Well shit! Your moms a really brave, and smart omega." Mina said. "He sure is." Suki said with a big smile that could rival her mothers, and make the sun jealous. Both women hugged the little girl between them, then headed down the hall in the direction of their own room.

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