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☽✴☾ Feb 1 ☽✴☾

🚫⚠️TW = Mentions of Blood, Death Ahead⚠️🚫

Izuku stared at the blood as it dripped from the knife he still held along with his hand and arm. The sleeve of his hoodie was covered in the warm wet liquid. The crimson fluid had covered the body of the dead man and was slowly seeping down the drain in the floor of the room. 'We're almost free, just one last obstacle to deal with.' the green eyed boy thought, as he placed a hand over his baby belly. He dropped the knife at the feet of the body, before turning and walking to the sink on the other side of the room. Izuku removed his hoodie and scrubbed the blood from his hand, before carrying the sweater with him back to the main floor of the house. His brain finally kicking into overdrive there was still a lot to do.

🚫⚠️TW = Over for now⚠️🚫

Izuku went to his room and put on a new hoodie, before he got to work. His bedding, the hoodie he had just removed and any dirty clothes from the past few days went into the wash. The greenette then opened the three remaining suitcases. He packed his few clothes, though they didn't fit now they would once he gave birth. He packed his one and only soft fluffy nesting pillow and blanket, all of the items he had stolen from Inko's bathroom and his own Items. He waited a few hours for the wash to be done before packing all that as well. Finally he pushed his mattress away from the wall to retrieve the paper bag hidden inside. The bag held his notebook with all the information he had acquired over the years, and his three most prized possessions.

The notebook held the names and information of the twenty people he had murdered over the past three and a half years, along with information about Inko and Hisashi. Izuku set the notebook aside, he would need that a little while from now. The green haired boy pulled out a small green and white stuffed bunny, and two small black boxes. 

These items had all been gifts from Katsuki on his previous birthdays, like his gifts from his trainers they were important to him

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These items had all been gifts from Katsuki on his previous birthdays, like his gifts from his trainers they were important to him. The green bunny was the first gift given to him at the end of his first year at school. It was meant as a twelfth birthday gift but since Izuku birthday was during the summer, he and Katsuki wouldn't see each other then, so the blonde had given him the gift on the last day of school. The same was true for the other two gifts. His gift for his thirteenth birthday had been a charm bracelet with dozens of brightly colored charms, all in the shapes of sweet foods. 


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