Chapter 28

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"Well, this is it." Fuyoku smiled as he showed the duo into his house. "I hope you find it comfortable."

Mitsuki stared in awe. The house seemed so full of life, with pictures and ornaments sitting on every flat surface. So, so different from the cold, empty halls of Orochimaru's hideout.

"So?" Mitsuki startled at Fuyoku's voice. He nodded gratefully. "It's great. Thank you." Fuyoku huffed in laughter. "I'm glad you think so." He grinned at Mitsuki, "Come, I want to introduce you to someone."

MItsuki nodded, wordlessly following him as Akio ran around the house in glee. The duo entered what looked to be a kitchen, except there were machines and utensils clattered all over the counter space.

Mitsuki blinked, not used to the messiness. Orochimaru always prioritized cleanliness. Fuyoku led him to a woman standing next to the counter with her back to them, humming a tune as she cracked some eggs into a bowl.

"Honey? This is Mitsuki, the boy who will be staying with us." The woman whirled around, a bright smile catching when she saw Mitsuki. "Awww! Isn't he adorable?" She quickly rushed over to him, enveloping him in a tight hug.

Mtsuki blinked. It was warm. And over entirely too soon.

The woman quickly let him go, giggling at his flushed face. "Sorry if I got your clothes sticky! I'm making spaghetti with poached eggs!" She winked at Mitsuki. "I promise you'll love it."

Fuyoku chuckled, bringing the woman in for a light peck on the lips. "You don't mind him and his sister staying here?" She swatted his arm playfully. "Of course not! I need more opportunities to practice my cooking anyways!"

She grinned, turning to MItsuki. "Now you eat well, you hear me? I need the experience!" MItsuki nodded awkwardly. "Sure... ma'am." The woman looked surprised before breaking out into laughter.

"Oh my he's too cute!" She smiled kindly. "You can call me Huan!" She leaned down and pinched his cheeks lightly. "Oh my, you're so skinny! I better get back to cooking!" Fuyoku rolled his eyes as she jumped up to return to her cooking.

"Don't force feed him." She stuck her tongue out behind her back. "I'm not! Have you seen him? He needs nutrition as a growing boy!" She winked at him. "Don't worry Mitsuki! I'll fatten you up in no time!"

Fuyoku smiled fondly at his wife. "Come, I'll introduce you to Anaya-chan." Mitsuki hummed in agreement. "Anaya!" Fuyoku called. The same girl from before approached him, a scowl on her face.

"Why is he here?" Fuyoku frowned. "Don't be rude Anaya." She scoffed, pushing past Mitsuki with a shove. The boy winced. Fuyoku grit his teeth. "I'm sorry, I didn't think she would be so hostile."

He sighed. "Nevertheless, it's getting late." He eyed Akio as she bounced from room to room, still exploring the house. "I'm sure you two are tired. I'll show you to your room."

Mitsuki nodded. "Akio!" She appeared by his side in an instant, a happy glint in her eyes. Mitsuki smiled. "It's time to go to bed." She pouted but dutifully took his hand, letting him lead her to their room.

Fuyoku opened a light oak door, flipping the switch to turn on the light. Two futons lay next to each other, a small lamp in between them. "I'm sorry if it isn't much, I'm afraid we didn't have enough beds."

Mitsuki smiled. "It's amazing. Thank you." Fuyoku laughed. "It's no problem." He stepped out of the room, slowly closing the door behind him. "Good night!"

Mitsuki hummed. "Good night," he whispered.


Sarada groaned, pulling at Boruto's arm. "Come onnnnn, we gotta go!" Boruto scowled. "I don't want to!"

The girl abruptly let go, causing the boy to tumble backward. She huffed. "You haven't wanted to do anything since you got back from the hospital! You need to stop moping around!"

The blonde stuck his tongue out at her. "Let me mope in peace!"

"NO!" She grabbed his arm, trying and failing to pull the boy onto his feet. Giving up, she left Boruto's room, only to come back ten minutes later with a packed bag. "Come on, get up."

Boruto frowned at her. "What are you doing?" She smirked. "We're going to visit Neji and Gaara-san."

The boy blinked. "What why?"

Sarada hummed, already packing Boruto's stuff. "Because Neji and Gaara-san always cheer you up. And~ there's a festival that starts next week! You love festivals!" Boruto groaned. He did love festivals.

"Where's the festival?"

"Suna." Sarada zipped up his bag, finished. "But it's on the very edge of the border, so a bunch of little villages are coming too."

Boruto scowled. "Fine! I'll go." Sarada grinned, handing him his backpack. The twins quickly went down the stairs, greeted by the sight of Naruto trying to punch Sasuke.

Sarada blinked. "Dad?"

Naruto jumped up abashedly. A rosy flush coated his cheeks. "Hey, sweetie!" He laughed awkwardly. "You guys ready to go?"

The duo nodded. Sasuke smiled. "I see you've managed to convince him." Sarada grinned. "Oh of course! I'm a master at getting Boruto to do stupid shit."

Boruto blinked. "Say what now?" Sasuke and Sarada shared a devious smirk. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with Boruto,"

Naruto scowled. "Don't mind them, they're both bastards." He grinned at his son. "Come on, let's go!"

The family quickly reared up to go, interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hinata!" Naruto greeted them with a grin. "I see you guys are coming with us!" The woman nodded. "Yes, Himawari wanted to see her uncle." Himawari grinned. "Neji-san is the best! He's always got treats for me!"

Naruto laughed. "Alright then!" Boruto and Sarada rushed out of the door to greet Himawari, nearly tripping Naruto in the process. Sasuke let out a breath of laughter, coming up behind his husband.

"Well, I guess that's our cue to get going." Naruto and Hinata shared a matching smile.

The group was walking through the forest at a slow pace, the adults leisurely strolling behind as the teens ran ahead.

Naruto hummed. Determining that the kids were out of earshot, he spoke up. "Why are you here?" Hinata smiled sweetly. "Ever to the point, Naruto." He raised an eyebrow.

Hinata scoffed. "Fine. Neji thinks he might have a lead on Kiba." She shrugged. "Himawari hasn't spent quality time with her uncle in a while anyway, so I thought I might as well make the trip over there."

Naruto nodded. Sasuke frowned. "Do we know who's going to be at the festival?" Hinata sighed. "I asked Gaara to send me a list of all the high-ranking officials that RSVPed to be there on the day it starts. But we really don't know who's coming and when."

Naruto and Sasuke shared a look. "Show us." They spoke simultaneously. Hinata took a scroll out from her bag, silently handing it to him. Sasuke grabbed it, eyes scanning the contents.

"Hmm. Sarah Arino, Fuyoku Hanaka, Toru Shittykawa, Levi Shortman, Kageyama Milklover... None of them ring a bell."

Naruto sighed. "Well alright then. I guess we'll have to keep an eye on everyone there. Sasuke frowned. "Wait." His eyes widened. "I know him."

Noya Jinara.

He scowled. "He works for Orochimaru."

Dw, dw, i promise mitsuki and boruto will meet in the next chapter! Please don't kill me :)

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