Yandere Superboy/Connor Kent x Pink lolita biromantic/asexual

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(Valentine special)

As a kid in elementary school I always felt like something was missing in my life, I was lucky to have such well off parents. I wasn't a greedy kid and I got what I wanted as long as I behaved right, around fourth grade I discovered my love for pink. I wore that color from head to toe on my eightieth birthday and it made me feel something like I never felt before, I never wanted the feeling to go away and I promised myself that I would always wear the color and hence making me monochromatic(if you don't know what it monochromatic is someone who dedicates themselves to one color) threw out the rest of elementary and middle school I had became known as the pink girl of (Y/T) and I became a little famous. That color didn't stop with my clothes, everything I owned in my room was pink of different shades, I had a Instagram and posted my room and myself on their. I had a decent fan following of several thousands and seeing people that where a lot like me when I looked for the other colors of the rainbow, it was also Instagram that I discovered lolita fashion and looking it up I was so happy seeing how many pink dresses they had from different brands. It was like falling in love all over again seeing those dresses, coming into High School I found out something else about myself. I figured out that I favored both genders which made me bisexual or at less that's what I thought at first, I had a crush on a guy and a girl around at the same time and couldn't choose who to confess too.

One day my parents had a business trip in Metropolis and I was lucky enough to go with them, I had never been in Metropolis before and wanted to see for myself and was curious if the city was ready for someone like myself. Being in a new city of course I was going to wearing my first lolita dress

I know the dress wasn't fully pink with the blue bows but I couldn't help myself in buying it, I also loved how cute the bonnet was and I even wore pink makeup that went with the dress perfectly along with pink contact lenses that made my eyes loo...

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I know the dress wasn't fully pink with the blue bows but I couldn't help myself in buying it, I also loved how cute the bonnet was and I even wore pink makeup that went with the dress perfectly along with pink contact lenses that made my eyes look bigger. My parents where a little weirded out, they had gotten used to my pink obsession. My outfit did get a lot of attention coming out of the Metropolis airport, I noticed people staring at me while me and my parents where waiting for some of our big luggage. People came up to me and asked for my picture which I didn't mind and answering some questions about my dress and what type of style it was, I even did a couple of blogs on my Instagram about being in metropolis and how I was attracting peoples attention with my lolita coord at the airport and out of the airport to the hotel me and my parents where staying at. I didn't bring just one dress, my suitcase was large enough for four dresses which was what I brought with me besides pajamas. But I was even more happy seeing that I had my own room with it being an embroiderer's suite, my parents had there privacy and so did I along with my room having a small balcony with a good view of the city. When I went out after looking up some bakeries that where nearby you can bet I got a lot of attention and even stopped traffic because of my outfit, little did I know that I caught thee eye of a certain someone in that traffic.

In the pastry and a couple of candy shops I managed to get a lot of free stuff because of my lolita dress with doing a little advertising for those places, I even tagged those places on my Instagram and they did the same with me on their social medias.

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