Yandere Red Arrow x aromantic/apothisexual kpop fan reader

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(inspired from the 2008 horror movie prom night and from an episode of hellgirl)

One year ago during my junior year of high school was when my life changed for the worst, it started with love letters. Finding one in the mailbox everyday for two months straight saying how much he was in love with me and how we where meant for one another. It annoyed me mainly because I was aromantic, things only started getting worse I started receiving strange phone calls and emails. I had to change my emails so many times but the guy kept emailing me, yes I told both of my dads about it and swore that they would protect me. We went to the police with evidence but they weren't much help besides stationing officers around our neighborhood and at my high school, I also had no choice but to distance myself from my friends since I didn't want them involved or hurt in any way by my stalker. I even had to pause my social media accounts because of my stalker, I was a good fashion and makeup influencer with over thirty thousand followers and I had to tell my followers that I needed to take a break but not telling them why. I was started to get to the breaking point, it was also during around that time the guy had been sending strange gifts. From dead flowers, to boxes of insects and even a severed doll's head. The worst and the one that made me pass out from fear seeing a dress on a mannequin in my room on my birthday when I had returned home from school, seeing that my stalker managed to get into my room when I was out of the house even with the new security cameras and locks. I was terrified to the point where I was getting to scared to step out of my house by this unstoppable stalker of mine

One year later.....

"How long are you people going to let this go on?" The person that yelled that to the detective that was dealing with my case was one of my dad's in the officer's office and the detective spoke calmly to him

"Just try to stay calm sir..." My had had interrupted him as he continued yelling at him

"Just stay calm? This man had been stalking my daughter for over a year now. Why won't you people arrest him?"

"We have increased the number of officers patrolling in your neighborhood please try too..." My dad interrupted the man again by shouting in anger by his words and even standing up from his chair

" How much evidence have we handing over to you people? Still you haven't even managed to figure out a name? What the hell are you people doing?"

I was waiting outside the office with my other dad sitting next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder while I had my eyes closed and listening too kpop which was thee only thing the comforted me in my situation, I was now eighteen and legal that made both myself and my dad's worried that something worse might happen to me. Both of my dad's promised to protect me no matter what and telling me how it wasn't my fault no matter how many times I apologized to them, we weren't aware that the security cameras from the police station where hacked the cameras that where in the room with me and dad was on a monitor one of ten monitors. It wasn't just monitors on the walls where thousands of pictures of me from not just my social medias but also in real life,  all from a year ago when the stalking started. The stalker wasn't just a regular guy no.....the guy was none other than Roy Harper a.k.a. Red Arrow, he wasn't the obsessive type but the first day he saw me when I was hanging out with my friend circle he fell madly in love. He wanted me all to himself and he wasn't going to let anyone getting in his way.

The next day at school students where starting to get things ready for senior prom which a lot people where excited for, I had planned in going with my friends. Now I couldn't go, it made me so upset and frustrated that I couldn't even be around my friends anymore in fear for there own safety.

"Alright (Y/N) what is going on with you? You've been avoiding us for almost a year now?" One of my friends had asked me that when she approached me during lunch, for my case I was eating in the nurses room

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