Yandere Damian Wayne x Oriented AroAce Reader part.2

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Both Bruce and Alfred where surprised how fast Damian had opened up to me during me short stay in the manor for my own protection from the media, Damian even listened to the albums I recommended when I was out with my parents for a little it.

"We can't thank you enough for helping protecting our daughter Mr.Wayne." My dad was one that said when when both my parents and Bruce where having a small meeting in the manor and Bruce said to him

"Please. Call me Bruce (Y/N) has really opened by Damian's shell, I'm quite grateful for that. I'm still having some problems with that." While the grown ups where talking me and Damian where outside and he was teaching me some basic self defense moves after he showed me a few moves that impressed me, when I failed in doing a flying spin kick Damian had caught me like I was fragile as glass.

"I take it you weren't self taught?" I questioned that to Damian as I held myself up and he released his hold on me as I continued talking to him

"You seem too advanced to be self taught, I had to teach myself those acrobatic moves and shooting arrows with my feet was not easy."

".....Yay I've had some martial arts training." Was what Damian answered to me and he asked his own question

"Umm (Y/N) you..ever thought about living in Gotham?"

"My parent's don't think it's safe for me because of all the pageants I've been in. I'm a hedge target for creeps more so than normal, and no offense but Gotham is full of creeps. The city I live it is pretty quiet so there isn't much to worry about."

"So that's why you have the body guard of yours when we first met? Makes sense now." Damian said that after I spoke, Damian did left for a short nit while I was still practicing some more basic moves. What Damian did was hitting one of the target manikins that was in the bat cave hard enough for to crash to the wall from the anger he had let out, he didn't want me leaving but at the same time he understood my reason why. Much more to Damian's disapproval it was also my last day in Gotham, as a friend gift to me he had given me thee latest phone since I didn't have a phone yet and I accepted it. Little did I know was that Damian had put in a tracker in it, my parents where happy and impressed that I was now on the friends and family plan with the Wayne family so they didn't have to pay for my data.

Coming back home I enjoyed the remaining of my vacation for two days until school started, I had called and texted Damian. Well more like texted first in checking up on me and he called first in missing my voice, that was around the time when my parents contacted genus and they came to our house. Before school started I had my face and name in the genus world records for thee youngest first place beauty queen with four hundred straight wins, those people already knew who I was because my win from Gotham was practically going viral. Thee only person not liking it was Damian because of my growing fame and thanks the bug he put in my phone he saw that I had set up both an Instagram and a TickTok for my water glass music for my first three videos had already a few thousand views and I had gotten twenty thousand followers on TickTok, on Instagram with a few pictures of myself with all my trophies crowns and sashes from all my first place wins and ones for most beautiful from all my pageant wins I had already gained ten thousand followers. Damian didn't like the competition, he felt confident that he could win and he didn't want anyone or thing in his way with me so with the bat computer he was able to dig up all the information he could about me and my family after all he realized that I'm his first love and he didn't want to lose it.

Because of all the scholarships I had won I was able to go to a fancy rich school in my city on my first day of school, most of the kids already knew who I was and wanted to gang out with me which I allowed. I maybe beautiful but I wasn't stupid seeing threw those kids, authority and power was the game and I have power on social media a little more than my new group of fake friends until I found kids I could relate too and really like me for me. So far only mainly one person..Damian Wayne whom still texts me during lunch whenever he can, I never told any of my classmates I had good connections with the Wayne family from Gotham and kept that to myself. One day some of my fake girlfriends asked me who I had a crush on since I had gotten asked out my twenty different boys and I turned them all down half of those boys where wealthy on top of that, I lied and said a random boys name so they wouldn't think I was weird and to get them to stop asking but the truth was I didn't feel attracted to any boy or girl in that matter I figured I hadn't meant anyone yet so I let that slide. However things didn't go so smoothly like I wanted the boys name I had said to my fake girlfriends well they told him that I had a crush on him and he imminently asked me out while I was with those friends, I really didn't want too but I had to keep up with appearances so I did.

The boy names was Cobi Griffins his family was well off and good looking but it was his personality that I didn't like, the type the thinks he can get what he wants because he comes from money. He also did some sports which got him to get away with a few things and he was every girls dream with his looks, I faked going out with him I never posted anything on my social media about him nor gave him my phone number the only contact I gave him was my Instagram and that was it. But he did on his accounts and people where shocked and kids at school where jealous seeing how we made a good looking couple and that he was dating a famous beauty queen and up in coming model, I never introduced him to my parents but when he wanted to introduce me to his I broke up with him without second thought after a week of fake dating and I did it at school with him claiming that ' it wasn't working out good for me.' It felt great not being around him anymore and the shocking thing was he always did the break up I was the first to break up with him so casually and I had look like nothing, I also did block him on my Instagram as well which I didn't mind in doing.

"Hello (Y/N) I thought I'd check up and see how you where doing." I received a call from Damian when I got home from school and entered my room and sitting on my bed

" That's sweet of you. Honestly uneventful nothing to write about."

"Really that's not what some social media is saying, you never told me you where dating someone." Hearing Damian's words I couldn't help but laugh at that before I answered

"Dating that's a real joke, I was never dating that loser that's why I never gave him my number. I just needed to keep up with appearances for a little with that boy." I could see the relief look on Damian's face when I said those words, he did wonder why I faked going out with him in the first place but he didn't ask me that question.

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