Yandere Slade Wilson x panromantic/demiasexual prolificstreet artist reader

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Part 2.

None of my boyfriend's knew what really happened to him, from what they heard he had sent an email saying that he was dropping out of college and something about starting all over in another city. Yes I was a little heart broken but I knew that I had to move on and the best way for me was to be creative about it with my art, looking into research and a little trolling from neighboring cities. Strangely my other email that I use as Crimzon someone anonymously sent me very useful information that I could use in my art from the city I was living in to the other cities that I was looking at, but one stood out to me. The person I sent me information about a professor from my college in using sex for grades with freshmen students and was more shocking was that the professor was purposely marking failing grades in doing so, yes I took action to that information. I made sure to do it when the campus was quiet enough to do my art and I did my spray paint on thee largest wall where everyone could see it and surprisingly I didn't encountered any of the campus security, what I didn't know was that Slade had drugged them so I wouldn't be caught and he even tampered with the security cameras as well including watching from the shadows seeing me work on my art skills that took a couple of hours. In those couple hours he made sure I didn't get caught by anyone and luckily I didn't when I was spray painting my Crimzon signature of the well before taking a few picture and running off, I had one more location before the night ended. With the research I did I had found a upperclassman men that had sexual misconduct with minors and didn't get a trial so I gratified his apartment building where he lived, it took another two hours to complete it. Slade made certain to keep the police off my trail, a few cops almost caught me but Slade had stopped them just when I was about finished and taking pictures of my art.

The next day social media and a couple of news stations where going crazy about my two pieces, because of my art at my college dozens of students had came forward and demanded that the professor to be fired and stripped of his teaching license. As for thee apartment building the people that lived in that building half of them did have kids and strongly demanded that man out of the building and taken to prison two of the news stations where at both of the scenes around the same time, as for me I was sleeping until eleven as a cover story I had sat a bottle of nightquil near my bed so it looked like I slept most of the night which my roommate believed and she was my alibi.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N) get your ass up." My roommate was shaking me awake when I did I groaned as I opened my eyes.

"What is it?"

"Professor Greenswood been fired." Hearing her say that made me get up out of my bed in shock

"Are you serious?" My roommate told me what happened, people saw Crimzon's work and called one of the news stations and the rest started protesting to get him fired for the past several hours while I was asleep. I acted shocked hearing all of it as I was getting dressed, just when I was done my roommate tossed my a heavy yellow envelope with my name on it.

"What's this?"

"Don't know it was slip under our door, anyway I got class and you don't now now that Professor Greenswood is gone." My roommate said that as she was leaving and closed the door as I was opening the envelope and pulled out a paper that said

                   " I'm impressed by your work, not many can do that, here's a little reward to support your art Crimzon. Consider me your partner."

I was really shocked that the person know who Crimzon was and dumping out the envelop I was even more shocked, poured out on my bed was several thousand dollars in cash. As shocked as I was I needed the money for my art and with the amount that I was seeing I would be able to do several sculptures in the neighboring cities that I wanted to do, my classes would be canceled for a week until they found Professor Greenswood replacement was brought which gave me time in doing my art and working a little more. Slade Wilson would always asked for me and paid me several thousand dollars in just talking, when I wasn't working as a fake girlfriend I was working on my art. With the money I had I was able to get another storage unit that cost the same as the one that I was using in the city that I was living in, still unaware that Slade had followed me. With what I gather about community activists in the new city I was in one of them stood out to me and I did research with my cyber stills, it turned out that one of them was taking brides from the contractors he was organizing against. I found his house and gratified it showing the guy taking money from the devil and random poor people in the back crying seeing there homes where destroyed, Slade kept being more impressed by my art and the way I told a story. When I left after I spray painting my Crimzon signature and taking picture I took off running when the light of the house suddenly came on leaving behind all the spray paint I used, for my place of sleeping...I slept into my storage unit the last thing I remembered was sleeping on the floor with  pillow and sleeping bag.

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