3: miracle. that's what you are.

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a/n: lolmao.
anxious tapping of legs continued, the room remaining completely silent. the doctor was carefully flipping through the reports of the tests conducted.

"congratulations mr kim," the doctor said finally, pushing up his glasses, a wide smile on his face.

taehyung and jungkook shared a glance, totally confused and unaware of the test results. the older gave a questioning look at the doctor.

"jungkook-ssi is pregnant," the doctor said, to which the couple's eyes widened in joy.

"this is an extremely rare case, and there are complications that come along with the pregnancy. i will give you a summary about everything," the doctor explained, looking at the astounded couple, then proceeding to explain further.


both jungkook and taehyung had just reached home that the pregnant male was lifted up by his husband by the bum. jungkook giggled as taehyung spun him around in his arms.

finally putting his down, taehyung pecked the younger's forehead, cupping his cheeks. he stared lovingly at the tiny male, then said,

"you're truly a miracle love. i love you so much." jungkook giggled, engulfing the other in his arms. his embrace was returned while he took in all of the older's scent (which he didn't hate anymore).

"taehyungie, i can't believe it," jungkook said, now pulling out of the hug. he was getting emotional about the fact that they were going to have a child of their own. he had tensions as well, what if any of the complications happen? what if he couldn't be a good parent? what if...

just then he was dragged out his thoughts at the feeling of taehyung gently caressing his tummy. the older had crouched down, now sitting on his heels.

"we're going to be parents." taehyung smiled, getting up from the floor. his arms never left the younger's waist.

"i'll be with you love. don't think badly, hmm? your face shows it all," taehyung said, allowing his fingers to gently drag themselves along jungkook's cheeks.

"i love you too hyungie." jungkook let out, his lips finding their way to taehyung's.


a/n: one more chapter
is gonna come out today!!
look forward to it!!

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