Ch. 3 Shot on The Dance Floor

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"You staying on Earth?" Jazz asks.
"Yeah, I want to work at the local dance club. Sharing good music with the humans."
The two joke about how Ultra Magnus let Blaster stay on Earth though they know he must inform Optimus about his goal. The two mechs aren't sure if Optimus will like what Blaster hopes to do. He's aware he might be assigned to help Mirage.

"That is an interesting idea, and I know you thought about the risk of the Decepticons finding you. Very well, I'll let you apply for the job," Optimus tells Blaster.
"Thank you, sir," Blaster smiles and leaves.
Jazz questions why Optimus didn't tell Blaster about the holiday killer but suspects he will later today and if Blaster thought of a human name for his holoform. Though it's something that would have needed to be done the day he got his holoform, Blaster wasn't staying on Earth for long and didn't go into the city.

"Alright, Blake, you have the job," the club owner tells Blaster.
Even though he's only working fifteen hours a week, Blaster is happy to be doing what he loves and will be able to help the Autobots. He's not sure if he can keep traveling between Earth and Cybertron, but he'll talk to Optimus about that.

As always, Optimus is supportive but doesn't hide his concerns. Blaster figured Optimus would be concerned about Blaster pushing himself, but for now, it's quiet, and Blaster doesn't have to worry about getting back to Cybertron soon.
Optimus regrets killing the mood to tell Blaster about the holiday killer, warning him to be careful as he's not sure if he's going after humans and soldiers or Autobots have been in his way, or he knows what he's doing and hitting his targets. All Autobots and soldiers are armed even if the holiday killer wasn't around.
Blaster figured Sideswipe would be pleased he's working at the dance club and starts tonight though it's Sunday. A few soldiers want to go to the club with the two mechs.

With the vibe felt in the dance club, you wouldn't think a psychopath killer is going around the city. Everyone is enjoying the music by the new DJ. While everyone is enjoying the music, someone stands in the shadows on the second floor, watching their unsuspecting victim and others dance without a care in the world.
"Is everyone enjoying our new DJ's music?!" The club owner asks.
The crowd cheers as they continue to dance to the music.

Everything is great for two hours until the sound of a gun going off can be hard before a few people watch a man go down. Blaster rushes to the man as Sideswipe calls Ratchet, and the club owner calls the police.
"Everyone stay where you are!" A soldier yells before everyone thinks to run out of the building.
Everyone listens as they watch Blaster sit on his knees by the man who was shot.
"What's your name?" Blaster asks.
"George Mitchell," the man replies.
"This is going to hurt, but we have to limit blood loss," Sideswipe explains as he finds the wound and presses his shirt on the wound.
He screams in pain.
"Easy, you need to relax," Blaster instructs, "did you like my music?" He asks, hoping George understands Blaster needs to keep him awake.
The three mechs have a little conversation until Jolt and Ratchet arrive, but Blaster and Sideswipe see how much blood George is losing. Hating, they can't do anything else to help him.
The two can only watch as Jolt and Ratchet prepare George for the trip to the hospital.
The one who shot him stays and watches the scene until the ambulance leaves. The dance club is closed.

George is barely conscious by the time they get him into surgery. The two medics who believe in giving any patient s chance fear they're too late.
"He's lost twenty percent of his blood volume," Jolt informs the surgical team and Ratchet.

"There's nothing," Prowl tells Prime, "whoever shot him is good. What's unusual is only one shot was fired."
"I suspect it's the holiday killer."
"His rap sheet is getting long. I can't wait to catch this aft!"

Blaster and Sideswipe stay to help clean up the dance club. As sideswipe takes out the trash, he sees a figure standing under the dim light. All he can see is red eyes and some blonde hair. Even with the mask, Sideswipe knows this guy is smiling.
The guy walks backwards into the building. Sideswipe runs after him but loses sight of where the guy went.
Where could he have gone without being seen? Sideswipe questions.
Once the dance club is cleaned and locked, everyone goes home. The two Autobots and soldiers who were at the club hope they can get news on George bc before going to bed.

The mechs find Ratchet talking to Optimus and Prowl the next morning. All three look unhappy-Optimus nods, telling Ratchet to tell them.
Ratchet sighs, "George died in the middle of surgery. He had lost too much blood by the time we got to the operating room."
Blaster and the soldiers feel sadness, but Sideswipe feels anger. Everyone but Ratchet and Optimus go their separate ways.
"Now, do you believe me?" Ratchet argues, "we return from our vacation, and the killer has been killing one person a night! Prowl was told four people were killed in December!"
Ratchet walks away before Optimus can say anything, but what could he say to convince Ratchet the killer isn't Sunstreaker? The guards still claim Sunstreaker hasn't left the base since everyone returned from vacation two days ago.

Sideswipe isn't sure how to deal with the fact Sunstreaker is the killer. He knows Sunstreaker has been worried about Jamie but has it been an act? He doesn't know if he should worry her gaurdians or not. He's happy Lily is home for school. Sideswipe watched his brother workout, dreading the conversation he has to have with his brother.
Why the sudden urge to kill citizens in the city? Not like killing soldiers is acceptable, but this is a whole new level, Sunstreaker.

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