Ch. 7 Killing an Entire Family

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Chromia thought she was just going for a walk in the city, hoping to find the missing little girl Ratchet talked about. Though he didn't tell everyone at the base. Chromia was walking by when Ratchet was talking to Prowl and Optimus. 

Chromia didn't think she'd watch a man get hit by a speeding car and thrown across the street. The car sped away, which meant no one saw who the driver was. Though everyone could guess it was the holiday killer.
Five other citizens rushed to the man along with Chromia, and they couldn't believe he was still conscious.
"What's your name?" She asks
"Brandon," the man says, clearly in pain.
She tells the civilians she'll call for help.
Chromia couldn't believe the instructions Ratchet was giving. She put him on speakerphone.
"You want us to what?"
"Control the bleeding, clean the wounds, and reset the bone."
Damn, not a good time for them to be twenty minutes away. Chromia dreads. Ratchet wouldn't do this if it didn't help the chance that this guy survives his injuries.
The five civilians and Chromia look at each other, hating what they're about to do. One of them has painkillers, but the drug wouldn't kick in for thirty minutes. As much as they believe that'll help, they agree to wait for help to get here. They know it's best to keep the injured man awake, and the best they can do is wrap the leg after the bone is reset.
"We need to help you before the ambulance gets here," Chromia explains, "I'm sorry we have to cause more pain."
"One, two, three," a civilian counts before pressure is applied to wounds, and the broken bone reset. Brandon screams in pain as Chromia tries to distract him, but he's unable to answer questions. 

Brandon is still awake once Prowl, Jolt, and Ratchet arrive, but even Chromia knows he will not be awake for long. Though there are many reasons he'd become unconscious, she fears he has a serious brain injury.
Chromia watches as Jolt and Ratchet do their assessment. Brandon struggles to stay awake.

She's allowed to go with the two medics while Prowl questions the others. Chromia knows they'll be rushing Brandon into surgery but goes with them.
Chromia looks in Brandon's wallet, hoping to find clues as to who to call about the accident.
She shows him Brandon's I.D. card.
"We'll talk later," he tells her.
I think we know who hit Brandon. This guy is targeting an entire family, but why? What's been going through Brandon's mind for the past twenty-four hours? Chromia wonders.

Chromia knew she wouldn't be allowed in the medbay, that Brandon would go right to surgery. She could visit Sideswipe. 
"How are you feeling?" She asks Sideswipe as she sits by the bed.
"Bored," Sideswipe sulks.
Chromia laughs until Sunstreaker walks in. Unlike when Chromia accidentally heard Prowl, Ratchet, and Prime talking about, most know that Sunstreaker attacked Sideswipe.
"Do they know?" Chromia asks, referring to Lily, Jamie, and Jamie's guardians.
"No, and I'd like to keep it that way," Sunstreaker tells her.
"How?" Sideswipe asks, "the two femmes might not ask where I've been, but I am still dealing with pain."
"Not my fault you're weak. Just tell them you had to have minor surgery," Sunstreaker suggests, "our holoforms are supposed to be almost like a human body. Ratchet wouldn't fix an issue by adjusting the programming."
Chromia smiles, hearing the two brothers debate. It's a good distraction from worrying about Brandon.
Jolt and Ratchet struggle to find the source of the bleeding as blood continues to rush out. They're happy to request for blood to be delivered to the medbay. The challenge is how much would they need? Both worry they'll lose Brandon and wouldn't get him back.

It's a long five hours until Jolt and Ratchet are done. They figured Chromia wouldn't be far, but didn't think she'd sit with Sideswipe the entire time.
"I'm bored!" Sideswipe whines.
"Zip it!" Ratchet scolds and asks Chromia to come with him.

Chromia figured they'd be going to Ratchet's office but didn't think Brandon would be in the room across from his office, even if it's a room for critical patients.
"He's damn lucky," Ratchet starts, "but it's too soon to say he'll recover."
"I understand."
She's allowed to go into the room but stands in the hallway, looking into the room via the viewing window. Even though she knew Brandon would be on life support, she was crushed seeing all the machines. The EEG worries her.
Would Jolt and Ratchet have that setup even if there's no sign of brain injury? She questions, trying not to think the worst.
Ratchet waits an hour before bringing Chromia into his office.
"Remember when you showed me his I.D.?"
Chromia nods as she sits on the chair in front of the desk, "what do you know?"
"It was an accident. I was walking by while you were talking about Mary Clay with Prowl and Prime."
"Unbelievable, this aft targeted an entire family," Ratchet sighs, "Mary is in serious condition. Their oldest daughter is missing. This is a fucking nightmare. Prowl can't figure out if the killer is related to this family or not."
Ratchet tells Chromia that Brandon is staying in the medbay and is not strong enough to be transferred to the hospital. He tells her that Prowl found a male's body at the Clay family's home. Another man with the same last name, but there's evidence that Brandon is Mary's husband.
As he tells her she can sit in Brandon's room, Ratchet gets a phone call.
"Well, it's not all bad news today," Ratchet smiles; "Aaron finally woke up."

They tell Prime and Prowl. Soon the four of them head to the hospital to visit Aaron, and Chromia and Ratchet decide to tell the other two about Brandon later.

Meanwhile, the holiday killer throws a tantrum like a child at his hideout.
"How the fuck are my plans failing?!" He rages as he throws a chair across the room, "even kidnapping and torturing them here isn't working! Two out of five is shit!"
The killer tries to think of new plans. He's pleased with his next target.
"Looks like I'll be having a lot of fun soon."

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