Ch. 11 Getting Answers

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Aaron does not know how to stop Mirage from interrogating the Knight twins without looking like another insider to Mirage. He watches the angry spy walk down the hall. 
Moonracer sees Aaron sitting in his wheelchair, in pain, rubbing both legs.
“Does it hurt?” She asks.
“A little, but it’s ignorable once I sit down. I’m hoping this doesn’t last long.”
“I wonder if a warm bath will help? I heard from Ratchet how that can help muscle pain.”
Before Aaron can say anything, Moonracer wheels him to the elevator.

Moonracer didn’t think Brittany would be in the room, though Brittany doesn’t seem to mind that Moonracer was going to help Aaron get in a warm bath.
“... I’ll just go now,” she finishes and leaves the room.
“I’m not mad,” Brittany tells Aaron once the door closes, “she’s right; a warm bath will help.”

Chromia, Ratchet, and Prowl tell Prime about Brandon Clay and the picture Chromia found with a femme and sparkling.
“The guy I found didn’t have any I.D. on him,” Prowl adds, “we found out his name is Landon Clay, Brandon’s twin brother. Explains why I thought he was Mary’s husband as I looked at pictures. Brandon sped up identifying his brother, though I think I’d rather have to wait the six weeks than how I could identify Landon. There’s another residence with the same last name, but they do not know who Brandon, Landon, or Mary are. I’m happy because I didn’t have to tell five others that three people in their family have been murdered.”
“Sir?” Mirage interrupts, “can I talk to you and Prowl?”
Chromia and Ratchet look at each other, uncertain about what the spy has to say. The spy adds he’d like the Knight twins to join the meeting.

“Why do you want this meeting with Ethan and Olivia?” Optimus asks once the twins meet the others.
“Because they’ve been helping the holiday killer!” Mirage yells, “no wonder they didn’t want to join us on vacation!”
The Knight twins look at Mirage confused, uncertain if they should say anything.
“Hold on, I know how we can figure this out and avoid angering anyone,” Optimus tells everyone before texting someone.

“What’s going on?” Crosshairs asks.
“We need your ability to tell if someone is lying, Jamie,” Optimus explains.
Some would argue that the twins are cooperating with Optimus; standing by the wall is proof that they are not insiders. While others would argue it’s an act. The twins didn’t think they’d be asked basic questions about themselves.
“Are you related to Austin Knight?” Optimus asks, both twins say yes, “how?”
“He’s one of two older brothers,” Olivia replies.
“We’ve been in contact with Justin, Austin’s twin. What’s this about?” Ethan asks.
The twins can’t believe what they’re hearing. They tell the Autobots that the family hasn’t seen Austin in six years. No one has contacted him. Prowl adds until December; Austin didn’t have a rap sheet. The first victim was a femme, and evidence shows she was Austin’s girlfriend, Susan Little. Prowl was hoping the twins could fill in Austin’s relationship with the Clay family, but they don’t know. They can fill in that Austin, Aaron and Daniel were friends in high school. Jamie confirms the twins have been telling the truth. There are no clues why Austin is attacking people, but the Autobots talking to the twins believe Justin and the kids’ parents are in danger. They hope that because the rest of the family are spread across other states, they are safe. 
“We need to find him and fast,” Prowl stresses.
The twins regret not knowing where Austin lives. For now, the plan is to add where the twins’ parents live on every Autobots’ patrol route. Hoping not to make their parents have to live at the base. For now, Optimus instructs the twins to contact their parents daily, but don’t bring up the situation.
“This guy’s mission appears to be revenge,” Optimus guesses once everyone but Prowl leaves the area.
“Problem is we don’t know who he’s looking to get revenge on, to figure out his next move.”
The two know the killer will carefully plan his next attack. Doing anything possible to make sure he doesn’t get caught.

Ratchet watches as Sunstreaker works on art with Lily and Jamie. Crosshairs and Drift are nowhere to be found.
I hinted at the situation, surely Crosshairs would have told Drift, and they would have kept Jamie away from him! Not much I can do about Lily. Her parents think Sunstreaker isn’t the killer, and I hope they don’t regret the decision.
Ratchet isn’t sure if he should talk to Crosshairs and Drift, even if Optimus believes Sunstreaker is innocent.

Ratchet doesn’t make it far before crossing paths with Optimus.
“You haven’t told them, have you?” Ratchet asks.
“They have enough to worry about.”
“But Sunstreaker possibly killing her isn’t important?!”
“Enough! Clearly, you didn’t pay attention to the interrogation we just had with the Knight twins! I already warned you not to bring up this idea!”
Unknown to them, Crosshairs and Drift stand by them, hearing everything. 
“Sunstreaker already confronted me,” Crosshairs informs the two, “and I told Drift. You know he can’t fake caring about anyone, Ratchet.”
Ratchet still can’t believe the two believe Jamie is safe with Sunstreaker, but he feels defeated for now and walks back to the medbay. The three mechs know the risk they’re taking but also know they’re right about Sunstreaker’s inability to fake caring. They change the subject to talking about Jamie’s mental state, even if it’s not a better subject. Even without a killer and the connection with the Knight twins, without the cons up to no good, this wouldn’t be a period without challenges. The vacation slowly feels like a break from reality.

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