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As Austin and Barricade travel to the mountains of Utah to meet Megatron, Frenzy continues the research Barricade requested. They don't get far before hearing the police radio.
All units be on the lookout for the holiday killer traveling in a police car. Believed to be heading out of state.
"Easy fix; find an officer to kill," Austin smiles.
"Not sure if this will work with your scars, but I'll help deal with anyone who questions you," Barricade comments.

They don't have to wait long to find an officer on a side road without traffic.
"Hey," the officer greets, believing he's talking to another officer, "you'll want to keep going; nothing happens here—. You're not an officer."
The officer gets his gun.
"Not yet, but I have no interest in the training," Austin comments.
The officer didn't see frenzy from behind until he was restrained. He knows no one is coming to save him and questions why is the killer taking off his uniform.
"You're officially retired from duty," Austin comments and stabs the officer right in the heart. Austin changes into the officer's uniform, revealing more scars to Barricade and Frenzy.
How was the asylum not his first target? Barricade questions. I don't think he got any of these from his parents, considering how late on the list they were.

They travel a few more hours before Barricade stops to make Austin get food.
"You are getting soft," Austin jokes.
"I can't have a partner die on me."

No one questions Austin as he walks into the store. He tries to make the shipping quick, but a young child distracts him. The kid believes Austin is a real officer and wants to hear about some of his arrests.
:: What's taking so long?:: Barricade asks through the radio.
"Sorry, kid, my impatient partner is waiting for me."

As Austin walks back to Barricade, a civilian follows him.
"Hey, you think you're a public servant?!" The guy asks, "you're a paid murderer, and I'm the real public servant."
Idiot. Austin smiles as the guy takes out his gun.
Before the guy can fire, Austin has already shot him in the heart. The guy falls to the ground.
How can time at an asylum allow him to learn to use a gun like that? To know where to attack to kill his victims quickly? There's more to his story than the asylum. Barricade questions.

The rest of the  trip takes two days, with minimal stopping.
"You brought him?"
"Nice to see you again, Dirtstorm," Barricade replies, "I think Austin will be a great addition to the Decepticons. Have you met the other two humans on our side?"
"More humans? Ugh, Megatron is getting soft! I can't wait to see Megatron kill both of you."

Megatron, I have brought someone worthy of joining our cause," Barricade begins as he and Austin approach Megatron.
"Really? A human worthy of joining the Decepticons?" Megatron challenges.
"Isn't she a human?" Starscream questions, pointing to Jadin.
"Do not question me, Starscream! How the frag humans decided to build you a new body is beyond me. Jadin is like that brat, Jamie, but she is the enemy of the Autobots. Her last two attacks were impressive."
"Yet she failed," Starscream mocks.
"Why you—!" Jadin rages.
"Enough!" Megatron demands, "you have seconds to tell me why this human is worthy of joining us."
"I doubt you've heard of The Holiday Killer, but Austin has killed thirty humans."
Megatron  is intrigued and listens to Austin, while Barricade can step away.

"So we did get the wrong guy," Barricade repeats, "Ethan Newman volunteered for a weekend. I think it's not just someone at the asylum who has hurt him enough to make him who he is. He killed his parents, and we need to get more information without asking him."

Barricade returns in time to hear Austin and Jadin's ideas.
"Ah, all excellent ideas," Megatron smiles, "even if we'll wait at least a year to put them in action."
"You waiting a year?!" Starscream scoffs, resulting in a punch in the faceplate from Megatron.
"Those Autobots will be expecting something. Give it a year, and they'll be less prepared. Besides, these ideas need time to be put into action. Welcome to the Decepticons, Austin."

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