Ch. 14 You're Trash

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Prowl's P.O.V.
While working on this case, I’ve felt like I’ve been neglecting an issue; Jamie. Not that I need to talk about her mental state with Ratchet, Rung, and Prime. I am concerned about letting her stay at the base, but I know it’s better than having her deal with the scrap she deals with in her dimension. She thinks she shouldn’t be here no matter what anyone tells her. We all have been talking about how we’re like a family. Though Optimus is more like the father in this odd family tree for most Autobots. I think I’m a strict uncle that no one likes. 

I walk down the hall to a group of soldiers and Jamie talking — or so I thought until I heard one soldier, Betty Henderson, talking.
“You are so stupid that you need alien mechs to do everything for you!” She rages, jabbing a finger in Jamie’s chest, “you can’t even be a mom; you’re too stupid. I wonder if Ratchet secretly tied your tubes while trying to save your ass from dying! Not like Drift would be stupid enough to frag a stupid human like you! Whoever injected the chemical had the right idea!”
“Enough!” I yell.
The soldiers run like cowards.
Prowl: uh, Ratchet, I think I have a problem with Jamie. Long story, just get down here.
I thought I was getting Ratchet just in case I couldn’t calm Jamie down, but I didn’t think she’d try to get away from me as tears rolled down her face.

I figured Drift would be with Ratchet. I watch him pick Jamie up and hug her. Jamie lets herself cry as if she forgot I’m here. Ratchet says nothing as Drift walks away.
Ratchet couldn’t believe what I was telling him.
“Oh scrap, this is bad,” he frets.
“I’m going to tell Prime, and we’ll deal with her, but I know that will not help Jamie.”
“As if we don’t have enough problems to deal with,” Ratchet sighs.
“I know it’s really not my business, but did you—?”
“Absolutely not! I’d never do that.”

“Betty Henderson?” Lennox asks; I nod, “explains the mom comment. She just told me she’s taking maternity leave, which starts immediately.”
“Good, maybe she’ll decide not to come back,” I comment, not caring about the lecture I’m getting, “how can you not see the serious situation that glitch just started?!” I argue.
Drift’s P.O.V.
I don’t know what happened, but no way Jamie is this upset just from seeing Prowl. He wouldn’t contact Ratchet, who contacted me. Jamie has been struggling mentally, but this is not normal. What the frag happened?
Once I get Jamie to calm down, I suggest she take a shower while I get lunch. Crosshairs is out with Lightning, and I don’t want to bother him.

Jamie’s P.O.V.
I have to get out of here. I shouldn’t be with them, with the Autobots anymore. Betty is right. I find the shards of glass from the cup Crosshairs dropped this morning still in the trash. I know the right places to cause damage. Getting out of here and dying at home is better, but I don’t think I can open a portal with no one knowing. 
I get in the shower as Drift is expecting, and he will not be gone for long.

Drift’s P.O.V.
I walk into the room, hearing the shower running. I thought everything was fine until I sat on the couch and listened to the running water, and I didn’t listen long before hearing crying.
“... it’s complicated, and—,” Crosshairs speaks as he walks into the room until he sees me trying to open the bathroom door, “move!”
It’s bad when he has lock-picking tools on him; I failed to think I need to have that on me.
I assume Crosshairs was talking to Lightning, who is now gone. Crosshairs and I already discussed if this should ever happen after Jayce did two years ago. He’ll wait until I see if I can cover Jamie up. Only if it’s serious and I need help will he see Jamie nude.

I can tell Jamie is letting soap and blood mix, which has to hurt. Though I know, that’s not why she’s crying. I don’t think I should rinse off the soap, as she’s bleeding, but that’s going to make it harder to deal with the self-inflicted wounds. 
I think I got here in time, as she only cut her arms and legs. Unless she thought that would be enough. It’s worse than when Jayce cut her legs with a razor, and that looked bad as she stood in the shower, letting the blood go down her legs. 
“It’s ok,” I calmly say as I turn off the water, lay a full-body towel on the floor, lay Jamie on it - doing my best not to get blood on me, and cover her torso and upper legs with another full body towel. Jamie continues to cry but isn’t putting up a fight.
Before I can even tell Crosshairs to come in, I hear Lightning talking as she walks into the room, sounding scared more than worried.
I see she got Jolt and Ratchet. There’s not enough room for everyone to come in, and Crosshairs and Lightning have to wait as Ratchet closes the door.

Ratchet’s P.O.V.
Damn, Prowl was right. I should have let Prowl tell Drift what happened — or Crosshairs, and he could have told Drift. 
As I sit by the tub, I see something off about the tub’s floor. I note to check that after we deal with Jamie’s injuries. Jolt, and I decide to wrap her arms and legs and take her to the medbay. At least that’ll allow Crosshairs and Lightning to help Drift calm Jamie down. I grab a blanket from the closet and wrap her in the blanket before instructing Drift to carry her to the medbay. I get the hand towel from the counter and get what caught my eye on the tub floor.
“Scrap,” I hear Crosshairs.
“You two with me down to the medbay.”

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