An Awkward Meeting

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Ash was staring at the all the different water type pokémon in the aquarium, making him remember the good times with Brock and Misty. "Hey Ash, you ok?" Asked Serena as she poked him. Quickly snapping out of his little daydream.

"Oh yeah I'm ok, just thinking." He answered her, placing his hand behind his back a little embarrass.

"Thinking of what?" Asked Clemont, a little confused.

"My friends back at Kanto. Seeing all these water types made me think of them." He confessed.

"Why?" Asked the little sister of Clemont, Bonnie who tugged on Ash's shirt looking confused.

"Because one of them loved water types and I kinda miss her." He said looking down.

"Her?" Serena said a little too loud.

"Misty, she was the very first person I met on my journey. Isn't that right Pikachu?" Scratching the chin of his long time friend.

"Chaa." Happily answered the electric type.

Looking at all the water type pokémon, with a little smile on her face. Taking a deep breath, "glad my sisters came back to look after the gym, so I take a good break from being a gym leader." Misty said to Azurill.

"Azu." Answering with a smile on its face.

"Chaa!" Echoed through the hallways sounding a little familiar.

"That sounded like... But that couldn't be, could it?" Misty asked herself, she soon found herself running down the hallway towards the sound.

Stopping in her tracks she saw a familiar figure. She started running to that person, with a huge smile on her face with tears starting to forming. As soon as she reached the figure she tackled him, causing both of them to fall.

"Whoa!" Was the only thing that came out of his mouth while falling, "hey what's your problem..." He looked up at the person who caused him to fall, "Misty?" He said a little confused.

"Oh umm hey Ash." Misty said smiling, blushing a little.

"I was just talking about you." Ash said trying to stand up, helping Misty up as well.

"You were?" She blushed even more.
"Umm hello? Forgetting something?" Serena interrupted them.

"Huh, oh yeah. Sorry everyone, this is Misty." He introduced Misty to all his friends.

"Can you please look after my brother, I won't always be around to look after him you know." Bonnie quickly asked Misty.

"Oh umm, sorry but there's someone else..." She told the little girl, while her glaze slowly went to Ash who was just staring at the little girl.

Picking up Bonnie with his only working invention the apipom hand and moving her away from Misty, "sorry about her, I'm Clemont and this little brat is my sister Bonnie." Introducing himself and his sister.

"Hey! I'm not a brat!" She said raising her voice to her older brother.

"And I'm Serena." Said Serena sounding a little pissed.

"What's her problem?" Misty whispered to Ash. He just shrugged, not knowing what was wrong with her.

"Did you miss me?" Asked Misty as she scratched Pikachu below his chin.

"Chaa." Smiled the little mouse pokémon.

"Aww I missed you too." Smiled Misty as she hugged him.

"So umm...ah what brings you to the Kalos region?" Ask Serena, who was a little moody for some reason.

"Oh I'm just taking a break from the Cerulean City gym." Answered Misty.

"Then who's looking after your gym?" Asked Clemont a little curious.

"My older sisters, they got back from their trip around the world and was looking to go back into performing water ballet at the gym." She answered him. "So how's everything Ash?" She turned her attention to the boy she known ever since he started his pokémon journey.

"Umm well I've been to the Sinnoh and Unova regions before I came here." He answered her.

"Still working on that dream of yours?" She winked at him.

"Obviously." He smirked.

"Hey can we catch up?" Misty asked him shyly.

"Yeah sure?" Answered a confused Ash.

As they started walking, being followed by Ash's friends. Misty slowly looked behind them, "I was hoping to catch up with him alone. Is that ok?" She asked them.

"Umm yeah sure, you two go catch up. We'll meet up with you guys later." Answered Clemont, "come guys." He said grabbing Bonnie's hand and pulling her away.

"Fine." Serena said still annoyed, following Clemont and Bonnie, who was being dragged away.

"Hey I want to go with them." Bonnie whined trying to pull her hand out of her brothers grip. "No!" He said grasping her hand even tighter.

"Ow, hey that hurts!" Cried the little girl as she was being dragged away.

"Just come on, we'll leave them to catch up." He sighed, dragging Bonnie away from Misty and Ash. With Serena slowly following looking back at Ash and Misty who were laughing at something one of them said to the other, which made her stormed off and past a confused Clemont and a frustrated Bonnie who was still trying to get her hand out of her brothers grip which only tighten with every try. Causing her to cry out it hurting her, which made him loosen up a bit but then tighten it again when she attempted to take it out.

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