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As they all walked off, Ash and Misty were walking a little slower then the rest of the group, just then Ash grabbed Misty's hand and lead her to a different place in the aquarium. "What's up Ash?" Misty asked following Ash.

As he lead her around corner to corner of this maze of an aquarium, checking if his companions noticed or followed them. "It's just...I don't want you to go this time." He told her, a light blush showing in his cheeks.

"You want me to join you in your journey again?" Misty said tilting her head in confusion.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to say. You see," he stopped, but continued on taking hold a f both her hands and looking into her eyes, "I've missed you and none of the girls I've traveled with aren't that special to me then you, you've always been there for me when I needed help and I've been there for you."

"Ash what are trying to say?" She said still confused.

"I want you to be my girlfriend and that I don't want to lose you again." He blurted out, kissing her on the lips.

Shock at what Ash said, all she could do was blush a bright red. He'd finally admitted his feelings towards her, although she know all along that she'd held a special place in his heart. Before she knew it Ash had kissed her, but because she was lost in thought she didn't noticed until she finished her daydream.

"Misty did you hear? I want you to be my..." Ash said but was cut off but Misty.

"Of course I heard you and it's about time you admitted your feelings." She said punching his arm softly, then hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Ow." Ash said rubbing his arm and hugged her back and kissed her cheek as well.

"Come on I didn't hit you that hard, quit being a baby." Misty teased.

"Hey you don't know your own strength." He retorted.

"Your right, I'm sorry. I thought I hit you softly, but instead I ended up almost killing my boyfriend." She exaggerated and faked cried.

"Now your just exaggerating Mist, you wouldn't have killed me with a small punch. You know full well that it takes a lot more than a punch to kill me. Like that time on New Island with MewTwo." He reassured her jokingly.

"Hey don't joke about that, I could of lost you." She said angrily looking down, tears starting to form.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you'd react like that." He knelt down a little and lifting up her head so he could she her face. "Please don't cry, it's not a good look on you Mist." He said as he wiped away the tears that were falling down her face.

"Well promise me that you'll never mention that event again, I don't want to even go through that EVER again." She said.

"Ok I promise that I won't." He told her, "I just didn't know how much you cared back then."

"Of course I cared you dummy, you're one of my best friends and I didn't want to lose you."

"Hey I'm sorry, it won't happen again." He kissed her on the lips again.


Walking around looking at all the water-type pokémon, not even noticing that Ash or Misty were missing. Until a fake cough interrupted her viewing section.

"Have you seen Ash and Misty?" Clemont asked.

"No, why?" Serena answered him.

"Because they disappeared while we were walking after yours and hers battle." He told her.

"Maybe you should just leave them, they're probably catching up or something." She said, looking back at the pokémon.

"But didn't they already catch up?" Bonnie asked confused.

"You see, adults have a lot of things to say, for Ash and Misty have known each other since they were 10, so they have a lot to talk about." Serena kneeled down and patted Bonnie's head playfully.

"Why is I'm always in the dark about things that have something to do with big kids?" Bonnie whined, crossing her arms.

I know it's been a while since I last updated, but I've been using my spear time watching Bleach and working on my English assignment(which is to create a picture book), which taking most of attention off Wattpad. And not to mention I'm graduating in a few months, yay. But after school I don't know what I'm going to do.

Also I am aware that they don't remember anything from the first movie, but I like to think after MewTwo's return they remember everything to do with him.

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