Misty vs Serena

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"Ok Fennekin lets go." And with that Fennekin ran forward and growled at Misty's Gyarados, while it just roared back. Serena sworn she saw Fennekin shiver a little. 'Oh god, I'm so screwed.' She thought face palming herself.

"Hey you know if you bet me, I'd might even give you a badge from my gym." Misty said to calm Serena, whom she noticed was scared.

Serena was silent for a while, trying think of what would happen if she lost, she'd have to keep distance from Ash and stop herself from flirting with him. 'Aww why did I even makes this bet?' Was the only thing running through her mind. Then a voice snapped her out of her little trance.

"Let the battle begin!' Shouted Clemont.

"Ok Fennekin use scratch!" Serena commanded and with that Fennekin charged at Gyarados.

"Gyarados use hyper beam!" Misty commanded Gyarados and a beam of light came from Gyarados' mouth and hit the charging Fennekin, who was sent flying back.

"Oh no Fennekin!' Serena shouted and almost ran to her but was stopped by Clemont who looked at her mouthing 'don't' she nodded and hoped that Fennekin would get up.

A few seconds later Fennekin was struggling to get up, but managed to get up anyway. With a sigh of relief Serena ordered Fennekin to use flame thrower and it did but Gyarados dodge it and used hydro pump on Fennekin. And with that fatal hit Fennekin was out and Misty was declared the winner.

As Serena looked up she saw Ash cheering Misty, "yeah go Misty!" Ash shouted from where he was, sighing to herself, she knew she was to keep her distance from Ash. Tears forming and threatening to fall if she didn't wipe them there and now, which she quickly wiped away.


"Fennekin is unable to battle, that means Gyarados wins." Clemont announced.

Ash jumped down and ran to Misty, picking her up and hugged her twirling her as well until they both fell, laughing. They both looked into each other's eyes and blushed a bright red, they were so close to kissing till they heard an awkward cough from Clemont, who was covering Bonnie's eyes. Both Ash and Misty got up, Ash helping Misty up as she tried to hide her face from everyone.

"Oh come on why cant I see!" Bonnie whined, trying to remove Clemont's hand from her face. Once Ash and Misty got up, Clemont removed his hand that was covering his sisters eyes. Bonnie punched Clemont's leg, but it didn't really hunt because it somewhat soft.

"Ow, what was that for?" Clemont looked down at his sister angrily, who pretend nothing happened.

"Well that was a good battle." Serena said extending her hand to Misty.

"Yeah it was." Misty smiled, taking Serena's hand and shaking it.

"So you going to tell us why you battled?" Ash interrupted both girls.

"Oh uh well..." Serena started, trying to think of an excuse that was better then 'we were battling for you, Ash'.

"It was just a friendly battle." Misty finished Serena's sentence, "and it meant nothing." She winked at the confused Serena.

"Yeah that's right." Serena laughed awkwardly.

"Ok whatever you say." Ash shrugged it off.


"Hey why'd you say that?" Serena whispered to Misty.

"Because it was a stupid bet and it means nothing." Misty whispered back.

"But what about the bet?" Serena asked.

"What bet?" Misty teased, "it's pretty obvious who Ash want to be with, but let's just let him figure it out, okay?"

Serena nodded, she knew exactly who Ash was falling for and it wasn't her. Even though she liked him, she knew in her head that Ash had eyes for only one person which was Misty. Every time she tried flirting with him, he'd alway be oblivious to it and he always had some weird lure he always used when he was fishing. Now that she thinks of it the lure looked a little like Misty.

A/N: I'm so sorry that I took my time writing this chapter, but I've busy with both school and dealing with friends, not to mention I've been having a writers block for a while.
And I'm also sorry this chapter is short.

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