Jealousy and What It Brings

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"I can't believe her!" Serena exclaimed while chewing on a piece of cake she bought while waiting for Ash to come back, shocking both Bonnie and Clemont.

"You ok? You've been acting like that ever since Ash mentioned how he missed Misty, what's your problem?" Asked Clemont.

"It's nothing, it's just she doesn't know Ash like I do." She explained to him.

"True, you may have known him when he was younger and when he came here, but Misty has known since he started his journey." He replied back to her, earning him an angry gaze from her. Grabbing his younger sister and hiding behind her to escape Serena's gaze.

"What's going on?" Bonnie questioned the situation that was going on, when her brother hid behind her.

"It's nothing that concerns you," Serena said patting the little girl on her head, while still glaring at Clemont.

"No fair I want to know what's going." Whined Bonnie crossing her arms, "and why are you hiding behind me?" She looked down at her brother who was still hiding behind her.

"Oh it's nothing," he said standing up from behind his younger sister, dusting himself off and adjusting his glasses.

"Oh come on I'm old enough to know what's going on!" Cried the little girl, still upset about both her brother and his friends keeping secrets from her because of her young age. "If you tell me what's going on then I'm just going to ask Ash and Misty." She said running towards the pair, who were linked in arms and laughing.

"Hey!" Happily chirped Bonnie when she was in front of Ash and Misty.

"Hey, what's up?" Ash asked with a friendly smile to her.

"Well my big brother and Serena are keeping secrets from me and I don't like." Her happy expression turned into a frown.

"Oh really, why?" Asked the girl by Ash's side, looking down at the little girl who upset.

"They say I'm to young to understand," she pouted, crossing her arms.

"Well maybe it's something that doesn't concern you." Answer Misty, noticing Bonnie's expression become even more down. "Tell you what how about I ask them what's going on and I'll tell you what it is, kay?" She winked at the little girl, unlinked her arm from Ash's and walked to where Clemont and Serena were followed by Ash and Bonnie.

"You know it's not nice keeping things from people, especially when it's your family." Misty began telling off Clemont, who was busy tinkering with an invention of his.

"Well some people need to mind their own business." Scoffed Serena, while taking another bite of her cake. Causing Bonnie to cry a little, dropping everything Clemont quickly came to the aid of his crying sister.

"You shouldn't talk to her like that." Clemont said hugging his little sister, patting her head to calm her down and make her stop.

"Yeah you should say sorry her, she's just curious and a kid." Misty retorted angrily staring at Serena who didn't seem to care about what she did to Bonnie.

"Well curious or not she should mind her own business." She replied, taking another bite of her cake. Making the little girl cry even more, earning a tighter hug from her older brother.

"Hey stop, being so rude to Bonnie. Every kid her age would do the same thing, I bet even you were curious about thing too. So ease up and apologise to her." Retorted Misty who was trying not to raise her voice.

"Who cares if I was like that, it was a long time ago!" Serena answered raising her voice a little, crossing her arms angered.

"Ok you need to stop right now Serena, you're going too far just please apologise to Bonnie, because she's just a kid after all." Interrupted Ash, as both girls started angrily glaring at each other. Trying his best to calm down the pair who were close to hitting each other.

"Ugh, fine I'll only do it if Misty apologies to me." Sighed Serena, looking the other way ignoring Misty's expression of confusion.

"Whoa, whoa hold up, what on earth did I do to you?" Asked a very confused Misty, everyone being dumbfounded at Serena's statement.

"You..." Serena voiced cracked as she stopped herself.
Few seconds had past and Serena took Misty by the arm and dragging her somewhere else to talk to her alone. "You stole Ash from me." She said, a tone of hurt in her voice.

"I what?" Asked Misty still confused, "why would I steal Ash, he's my best friend and I haven't seen him in a long time and you don't expect me to not talk to him and catch up?" Misty continued, loosening her grip on Azurill, whom she nearly squeeze the life out of because of her frustration.

"Yeah you heard me. I knew him long before you met him." She told the girl in front of her.

"Oh give the girl a prize." Mist said sarcastically, rolling her eyes not caring.

Who cares if she knew him before me? Because I know all the hardships and the challenges he's been through to get here. Thought Misty, angered at the girls statement about knowing Ash before her.

"It's doesn't matter if you met him first, because I've been through a lot of things with him and just because you knew him doesn't mean he's still the same boy you met as a child." Misty stated, pausing for a bit to take a breath. "For all you know he's changed and I know what he's really like." She continued.

"Well..." Serena paused trying to think of an excuse about how Ash was still the same as when she first met him. "I may not know what he was like for the past few years, so what all that matters is that he's mine and you can't have him." She blurted out sounding childish at the last part.

"He's not a toy!" Misty yelled at Serena who was acting like a child fighting over a toy, the toy being Ash. "You're acting worser than Bonnie, you... You BRAT!" Misty finally snapped, annoyed at Serena's attitude towards her.

"I am not a brat, I'm just stating the truth. You can't have him because... Because we're dating." She lied about the last part, trying to make sure Misty knew that Ash wasn't available anymore.

"Yeah sure, when pigs fly." Misty said annoyed seeing through Serena's lies of being Ash's girlfriend. "I know Ash and he would never in a million years ever date you, by the way you're acting you don't even deserve him." Misty concluded her statement to Serena.

"How do you know that I'm not?"

"Because by the way he was acting towards me when I came, he acted like he's never had one. And he's probably oblivious to your crush on him, I would know because he always is to when a girl hits on him." Misty said remembering all the girls that she had gotten jealous over the times she was with Ash and how he was oblivious to all their crushes on him including hers.

"What makes you think I have a crush on him?" Serena asked sweating a little, wondering how Misty pick it up.

"Isn't it obvious? You're jealous of my relationship with him, and how we're close." Misty said a little cocky, a smile forming from the conner of her mouth.

"No I'm not, I just want that relationship that you have." She admitted, blushing a bit.

AN: I think I've over did it with this chapter, well ill leave it at that for a while. Because I got nothing, this story has been in the making since April last year I think and I've only started to finish it when my sister got me into watching Pokémon episode with pokéshipping in it. I'm not really a fan of Serena because she just annoys me by throwing herself on Ash and hence the reason why I stopped watching Pokémon XY. I don't really care if I get hate because of me stating why I don't like her.

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