6 Years Later

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It had been six years since Aah had completed his journey to become one of the greatest pokémon trainer, he had won five championships and has since then became some sort of big shot, with girls trying to woo him as he went past them. But none really knew that he was already taking by his best friend and long time girlfriend since five years ago, she had left due to reasons but he didn't care, as they would always call each other when ever they had time to spare.

Misty on the other hand because a recognisable water-type trainer and has been busy teaching young trainer about water-types and how they were one of the strongest types out there; according to her of course. When not teaching she's either battling trainers to try and earn her gyms badge or shooing admirers, as she became one of the top on polls that included: most beautiful/prettiest gym leaders on magazines. Although she liked the attention, she hated other guys trying to win her heart because most of them all thought she was single.
Standing outside of the Cerulean City Gym and silently sighing to himself as he saw a massive line to the entrance. "Guess I'm going to have wait my turn huh?" He said to his partner, his hat covering most of his face so others couldn't recognise his as he was somewhat famous.

"Chu." Who nodded looking at the line.

The boy then began to shove a small box in his pocket as he moved slowly as the line moved even slower. "I knew I should of called ahead." He sighed again, earning confused looks from the trainers in front and behind him.

"What's up with this guy?" A random guy asked, earning the boy to look up and look around to find who said that.

"Whatever." The boy said taking the box out of his pocket and examining the contents in it.

"Whoa why do you have a ring?" Asked the person behind the boy, causing him to jump and making his hat fall out.

"Uh...it nothing." He says quickly closing the box and shoving it back into his pocket, then kneeling down to pick up his hat from the ground, dusting it before he puts it back on.

"You're, you're Ash Ketchum!" Yelled the guy behind Ash, again causing Ash to jump again and all the other boys and some girls to turn all their attention to Ash, who slowly pulled his hat down to cover his face.

Whispers could be hear from inside, where Misty was battling against a noob trainer. "Wonder what's going on?" She looked to her side as she looked at her sisters, and who all just shrugged not really understanding what the teens where babbling about.

Snapping out, she quickly put all her attention back to the boy she was versing. "Ok where were we?" She asked as the boy command his pokémon to attack her's.
As time went by, Ash was close to collapsing to the ground as he had been waiting in line with the other trainers, who were trying to earn the Cerulean gym badge. He did have a slight conversation with the guy behind him asking him questions; like why was he here, what's with the ring and why would someone like him be here? Although Ash did answer most of the questions he was given, the only one he didn't answer was what's with the ring, as he just told him it's a surprise.

Nearing the entrance, a smile came to his face as he was close to seeing his girlfriend face to face for the first time in such a long time. "Anytime now bud." He scratched Pikachu's chin.

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