2. Almost Midnight

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Why would he stick up for her?

Lexi couldn't understand. The last time she'd ever really talked to Fez was probably around elementary school. They were two completely different people who didn't run in the same circles or anything. He didn't have to defend her.

But he did.

She couldn't find the words to say, and her throat began to feel increasingly dry as she shifted uncomfortably on the lumpy couch. Was it always this lumpy? Was she overreacting? She didn't know.

Fez began to come closer towards the couch and she froze up, forgetting that this was in real time, not some alternate universe like the kind she was always reading and fantasizing about in her mind. He cleared his throat once reaching his destination, bringing her back to attention.

"Wassup. Mind if I sit here?" He raised an eyebrow.

She bit her lower lip, nodding shyly-because she still really couldn't talk after everything that had just went down with that jerk Mike. She stared at Fez, then the cushion. "Yeah."

He chuckled. "Cool," plopping down beside the girl. "..You good?"

Lexi hesitated. That situation had really made her uncomfortable, and she felt embarrassed and confused about it. Fez remained his typical, laid back, relaxed self. Collected and sure of himself.

She couldn't help but wonder if people like him ever feared anything.

Oh, if only she knew.

"..I..Um, yeah, I think," she replied nervously. Her throat was still so dry and parched, but her feet felt permanently planted to the carpet-not allowing her to get up and find anything suitable to quench her thirst.

Fez just nodded. "Okay, good, y'know, ion fuck with all that disrespect towards females..it's just like, pick on somebody yo own size, feel me?" He reasoned, suddenly displaying an attitude of what could be perceived as shyness-or hesitation, as well. As if he had to defend himself or his actions to anybody, let alone Lexi of all people.

Lexi giggled nervously, tucking a stray strand of long brown hair behind her ears. "..It's women."


"Women," she corrected-clearing her throat and sitting up straighter. "You referred to us as females..well, while it's biologically accurate, it can kinda be deemed as an offensive or degrading term for women...I just-well..call us women. Or girls even! But..females? It doesn't sound too..respectful."

She played with her thumbs nervously, instantly regretting having said anything in response at all. She could have just let it be.

Why make a big deal about something like that to the guy that just defended you at a party full of people? People that treat you like you're invisible, at that.

Lexi figured this was the exact moment he'd rise up from the couch and call her anything ranging from "weirdo" to a "know it all bitch", and then they'd probably never see each other again. So she braced herself for his departure, being mindful to try to not blame herself. She was just stating her beliefs as a woman, and should not feel guilty for that.

Easier said than done, but she'd try.

She awkwardly turned to Fez, expecting a certain reaction, but her expectations weren't met in the slightest, to her obvious and somewhat noticeable surprise.

He just nodded, seeming to genuinely be taking in the information without a second thought.

Concentrating-maybe for a bit longer than most would-he finally spoke up, meeting her face to face.

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