17. Can't Help Who You Fall For

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"..I can't believe junior year is really over," Lexi sighs thoughtfully as she clears out her locker. "Everything went by so fast."

She traced her thumb over the small taped Polaroid picture inside her locker door. It was of her and Fez, standing backstage at the school's recent spring production-where Lexi had made her (co)directorial debut and received a standing ovation. He'd never been prouder of her than in that moment, seeing her shine. In the photo, he was beaming at her fondly, with his arm affectionately wrapped around her waist-as she held onto a big bouquet of roses he had gifted her.

It was a memory that she would cherish forever.

She still wished that she and Fez could've been closing out the school year together, but regardless of this, she was just happy that he was actually now pursuing his GED in the fall so that he would be caught up by next year, when Lexi was set to graduate high school herself. They'd be able to have a real chance, a real future. And maybe even get the hell out of East Highland like they'd always wanted.

Fez and Lexi were now both a big part of each other's dreams, and were going to do whatever they could to make it a reality. Lexi had made excellent grades in school and had been heavily involved in the theater program since her freshman year, so a scholarship or two was easily written in the cards for her. Her sister Cassie had just graduated high school a few days ago, and was set to attend college in Arizona on a cheer scholarship in the fall-giving Lexi the opportunity to now have a bit more peace and space in her life. She'd be able to give her own final year of school her complete and undivided attention-and not only this, but also Fez, of course. Without having to constantly be worried about any train wrecks caused by her older sister.

Lexi had to admit that she honestly would miss Cassie, but absolutely would not miss her volatile, chaotic, and destructive behavior, and all of her drama, which usually involved a guy. It was going to be good to see Cassie (hopefully) turn over a new leaf and do better, now that she was done with Nate, McKay, and any other guy who she couldn't leave alone-even though they had all treated her poorly. Now was supposed to be her second chance. And Lexi couldn't wait to send her out the door!

Fez on the other hand, was very resourceful, business savvy, and had been saving up money for years now in a secret stash. He thought about maybe going to a trade school, or entering a program to study business. He had cut down on dealing drugs, tied up all his loose ends, and was now encouraging Ashtray to do the same. Fez even went as far as getting the younger boy a tutor for homeschooling so that he could focus on education and hopefully want to make something of himself one day, too. But Fez knew that for all of this to be possible, he had to set the example first.

His grandmother Marie was being transferred into a live-in medical rehabilitation facility, where she could be given the proper care and attention by professionals to hopefully improve her medical condition. Fez was admittedly quite afraid for this change, mostly because he didn't trust anybody, but knew that it would be for the best. He was turning eighteen, and had dedicated most of his teenage years so far to taking care of his grandmother by himself, with the exception of a couple in-home health aides who came by a couple times a week. He was just tired and ready for a break.

Ash was still too young to be taking on that kind of responsibility, and Fez wouldn't want him to, anyway. He'd been through enough. But, that was all going to be over now. They were both going to finally get the break that they deserved and move forward-not backwards.

Now things were starting to change for the better, and Fez and Lexi were only one short year away from getting to finally live life on their own terms and pursue things that they'd always wanted to do.

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