9. Meaning of Happiness

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The bike ride to Fez's store had seemed a lot longer than usual, probably because Lexi was so distracted in thought. She was anxious but prayed to whatever force or being that was up there, that she could fix things between her and the boy that she couldn't stop thinking about.

Fez was sweeping around the store mindlessly, trying to do anything to distract his mind from the stressful and intrusive thoughts of Lexi and their argument. He was still hurt by what had gone down, but more than anything, he could never fully be angry with her..and just wanted things to go back to how they were.

He knew from the beginning that Lexi Howard would never really understand him or his lifestyle, and that it might be challenging for them to ever realistically pursue anything together, but he also realized deep down that it was something he wanted now. But now since they'd gotten into it the other day, he wondered if he was the only one who actually felt that way.

So when Lexi pulled up on her bike, huffing out of breath, with an anxious yet excitable expression on his face, he was at a complete loss of words.

Ashtray observed silently from his back window "hiding spot" that he utilized daily to scope out everything. He was always ready in case something popped off. He simply shrugged as Fez flashed him a confused look, then went back to counting up a stack of money.

"..Uh..H-Hi," Fez raised an eyebrow, setting the broom to the side. Seeing Lexi panting from riding her bike all the way across town to him was the last thing he expected to witness today.

"Hi, C-can I..I-m-mean, I need to talk to you." Lexi slowly and carefully made her way off the bike and moved closer to face him. She couldn't read his expression well, as Fez was generally known for his more mysterious and aloof persona-something that she liked about him a lot....until right now.

Fez's heart began to race as all he could do was give her a short nod, still trying to keep his composure. If only both knew just how nervous each of them were truly feeling.

Lexi sighed, running a hand through her long brown hair before beginning. She could feel Ashtray's eyes basically burning a hole in her back as he stared her down suspiciously, just waiting for her to to make the wrong move at any second.

Fez shot him a quick look, letting him know to ease up and that it was okay. They were safe. Lexi was safe.

She relaxed as Ashtray returned to his tasks, scoffing before doing so. But at least he wasn't staring her down like she was some type of enemy anymore.

She cleared her throat before speaking.
"..So, look, Fez..here's the thing; I really messed up the other day. Like, really messed up.. I didn't mean to offend you or make it seem like I'm embarrassed of you.

Cuz, well...t-the..the truth is, being around you has made me feel better than I've felt in a long time."

She fought the urge to stare down at her feet and waited in suspense for him to speak up. Butterflies were swarming in her tummy like crazy.

She seriously hoped it wasn't over between them.

Fez finally broke his hard stare as his lips curled up into a gentle smile. It was a refreshing and comforting feeling to finally hear that he'd made Lexi feel just as good as she made him feel!

"Oh, word..?"

Lexi blushed. His slow drawl really turned her on, but she had to keep it cordial and not move too quickly. She didn't want him to get the wrong idea of her. Not that he even thought like that.

"Yes," she replied truthfully, gently inching closer but still leaving a comfortable distance between the two.

"..It's just, all my life, I feel like I've been in the background..never special, important, or wanted. So when I finally got a chance to experience it...it honestly scared the hell out of me," she admitted with a thoughtful frown.

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