6. Your Type

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"...I don't want this night to end," Lexi sighed as she lay across Fez's lap, the boy stroking her hair softly.

She imagined having to go back home, to her drunk of a mother, no father, and a train wreck sister who seemed to make every single inconvenience in her life, everyone else's problem. She was rarely granted a moment of peace these days, and seemed to forget that such could exist, with everything she'd been through.

But, with Fez, laying underneath the stars after sharing such a passionate and sweet kiss, one that enveloped her in a safety blanket of warmth and clarity, she was already beginning to experience that bit of peace she'd been craving.

"I know, me either. I really had a good ass time with you shawty," Fez responded, continuing to run his fingers through her long hair. He suddenly tensed up, clearing his throat.

"..So, um, would you want to maybe..go out, again?" He asked, his cool and calm demeanor instantly switching to shy and reluctant. "I'd love to see you again..I mean..only if you want to-but-"

"Shh," Lexi instructed with a soft smile as she pulled his neck down closer to kiss once again. He fell at ease and allowed himself to be drawn in to the paradise of her lips with no fear.

"..Yes, of course I'll go out with you again."

She was bold, and sure of herself, a feeling that was so foreign to her, but she liked it. She wished she could always be that way, and that it could be easier for her to say the things that were on her mind.

Fez blushed brightly, glad that it was now so dark that it was not noticeable. "Yes!" He exclaimed. "Ya boy got another date. I'm feelin' real lucky right about now."

Lexi still couldn't fully believe or process that someone could actually be excited to spend their time with her. That they looked forward to seeing her again and were genuinely interested.

She'd liked that Fez really seemed to want to get to know her for who she was, and not judge her for what he may possibly have assumed. And Lexi wanted to strive to do the same for him.

Going on another date with Fez would provide her the opportunity to continue to do just that.

"Well, what can I say? You're a good date. This was nice."

"Nicer than you expected?" Fez raised an eyebrow. He chuckled as he gave her an expectant look. "..It's okay, you can say it."

"Actually, yes," Lexi admitted with a soft shrug. "..Don't take this the wrong way, but I kinda figured that for guys like you, your idea of a date is smoking a blunt in the car and getting burgers from the drive-thru."

Fez frowned, but covered it up quickly. He was slightly offended, but knew that realistically, he had no reason to be.

It's not a surprise that Lexi (or anyone else) perceived him to be a certain way; or that she didn't have high expectations for their date. Fez wasn't exactly clean cut, or a "poster boy". He was the laid back stoner type with a hidden dangerous lifestyle. He wasn't necessarily Lexi's "type".

Wait..did she even have a type?

He cleared his throat awkwardly, attempting to diffuse some of the obvious tension in the atmosphere. "Aye, Lexi? D-Do you have a..you have a type?"

Fez almost felt ridiculous asking her such a question, especially because he knew that there's no way he'd ever fit the criteria. But he wanted to know.

He wondered why Lexi had given him a chance, seeing as how they were total opposites. He assumed that she'd be into the scholarly type, or maybe model citizens who volunteered at animal shelters and were every parents' dream for their little girl. Or, guys that actually had stuff going for them, unlike himself.

Lexi bit her lip, mulling over the question for a few moments. She hadn't really thought about if she ever really had a type. She didn't have much previous experience or expertise when it came to guys, and her imagination was typically elsewhere, not putting much focus into them since the feelings weren't usually returned.

Life of an outcast, naturally.

".. My type, I guess..I like guys who are kind. Creative. Umm..someone who wouldn't be afraid to show me off. Someone who could not only be a lover, but..be a friend, too. Yeah. I think that's really important." She smiled thoughtfully. "I've never really thought about specifics, but that seems good to me."

Fez began to blush. He normally wasn't seen as the "kind" or "creative" type of person, but he knew for sure that he could check all of the other boxes for what she was looking for in a guy. He wanted to be there for Lexi no matter what.

He'd also hoped that eventually, he could let his guard down and exceed Lexi's expectations of him.

In life, when you're never really given a chance or aren't surrounded by people who believe in you, it can be easy to get caught up in self doubt or pressure. Fez had never tried much to prove himself since everyone was going to look at him as the failure, drug dealer, or loser, anyway. He'd always put on a brave face and laid low.

Lexi clearly had to be special to make him blush, dress nicer, and actually want to act on his desire to be a better guy.

Or, was it his own desire that he'd always had inside of him, his own wish to change, and having Lexi around finally made him confront it?

"..What about you, hmm?" Lexi perked up, curiously, bringing Fez back to attention.

"Oh..uh, what about me?" He was slightly embarrassed that he'd been caught in a daydream like that.

"What's your type?" Lexi questioned. She'd played it off, mostly as general and innocent conversation, but deep down was really asking for herself-something that she'd go to her grave denying!

The redhead stared into her eyes affectionately, wishing their night together could last much longer.

"I'm looking at her."


Later that night, after Fez had dropped her off, Lexi lay awake in bed reminiscing about how wonderful their date had been, and how he made her feel.

She never imagined the two of them going out on a date, and wondered multiple things; if it'd last, if she'd tell anybody, and if so-how would they react?

She hated that she did, in fact, care about people's opinions. Most teenagers did, though, which made her feel a bit better.

Lexi knew that she felt good around Fez, he was sweet to her and they were having a nice time together so far. But they just made no sense. She couldn't wrap her head around it.

But apparently, according to him, much to her shock-she was his type!

And although she was slightly afraid to admit it (not only to herself, but to anybody else)-she clutched her pillow tightly as it instantly reminded her of his warm embrace, and how he didn't seem to care about all the silly stuff like people's opinions, or how they came from totally different backgrounds-and began to slowly settle down, feeling that Fezco could really be her type, too.


I have really been trying to crank out this chapter for a few days now, writer's block has been a pain!!

I hope you guys enjoy-it's a bit of a shorter update but I still wanted to give you something until Sunday! And omg..am I just so anxious and excited! Last episode of the season! :0

Thanks for reading! Please vote/comment for part 7! ❤️

I do not own Euphoria and am not affiliated in any way. All rights/credits belong to Sam Levinson and HBO. Don't sue me!

See you in the next one,

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