10. Are You Busy?

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It'd been a month since Fez and Lexi had made up, and at this point, they were pretty much infatuated with each other to no end.

Endless phone calls, date nights, car rides, kisses, and laughs, and yet no title.

Lexi was becoming confused as to what they technically "were". Dating, or just friends?

Could she ask Fez, or was he supposed to take initiative to make the decision?

She'd never done this before, so she didn't really know how it worked.

"...Uh..How does dating work? Like...as girls, do we ask the guy, or are they supposed to do all that?" Lexi stared up at Cassie curiously.

This was the first time she'd been home in almost a month due to her most recent "situationship" involving Nate Jacobs that had fallen apart almost as quickly as it started (no surprise there). She'd unfortunately burned her bridges with her best friend Maddy, Nate's on/off again ex girlfriend, and nobody else really trusted her or would associate with her anymore. Well, besides Lexi.

Even though Cassie was clearly in the wrong for breaking girl code and going behind her friend's back, Lexi still felt sad knowing that her older sister truly didn't know her worth or care about herself enough to not make such stupid decisions. Only she could truly understand and sympathize with how much their father walking out on them really affected Cassie.

Well, it affected Lexi as well, of course, but the girls were total opposites when it came to how they coped with difficulties in life. Lexi was more reserved and passive, keeping feelings bottled in so that she wouldn't be a burden (her only outlet was usually writing or creating things), while Cassie on the other hand would just completely go off the deep end. She was always craving that attention to fill the void from their father's absence. And as much as she did care about her, that was probably one of the only things keeping Lexi from shunning her sister as well.

Cassie sighed. "God, can we please not talk about guys or relationships for one day?? I feel like I'm going to go crazy!" She begged. Her eyes were swollen and puffy from crying and she'd been wearing the same hoodie for three days now.

Lexi just rolled her eyes. "You know, that is just so rich coming from you."

"..What the hell is that supposed to mean?" The blonde furrowed her eyebrows, finally sitting up from the bed she'd been moping in almost constantly since returning home.

"Oh, give it up, Cass-I am always there for you, anytime you're having your stupid or ridiculous boy problems, I literally just held you til you cried yourself to sleep last night over that idiot Nate! You're..you're just, selfish!"

Cassie gasped. "I'M selfish?? ME? But..But yet, nobody is criticizing Nate or calling him the backstabbing slut for messing around with me behind Maddy's back-news flash, they weren't fucking together! Or how about McKay, hm? I gave him everything to be the best girlfriend and he treated me like I was nothing!!

Like I was just some slutty play thing that he was too embarrassed to claim publicly. So, if anything, THEY are selfish! And you are too for judging me! You should be here for me as a sister, instead of throwing things in my face or making stuff about you right now!"

Lexi felt her face heat up in anger as her hands balled up into fists. She shouldn't have been surprised by now-but Cassie's words truly did strike a nerve with her.

Nobody ever knew or understood just how much pressure she'd been under her entire life to take care of everyone and fix things. Cassie had always gotten it easier, she was the golden child; the pretty sister. Any inconvenience in her life, their parents had always ran to her rescue to make it right. Boys had always chased after her. Girls had always wanted to be her. She had friends who loved her, her pick of any guy she wanted, and was in the popular crowd with a chance to go away to college soon on a cheerleading scholarship; that is, if she hadn't completed messed it up by now.

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