4. Second Chance

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{The Day After the Party}

Lexi woke up groggy, with a pounding headache, still wearing her outfit from the party last night. She was dehydrated with foggy vision, wincing as she attempted to sit up in her bed, unsure of how or when she'd gotten in there.

"..What happened last night?"

Cassie frowned, looking from her watch, back to her disheveled and confused younger sister. "Finally, you're up. It's 2pm." 

Lexi blinked, attempting to wipe some of the crust and sleep out of her mascara smudged eyes. "Huh? How did I get here? Did I drink last night??" She became panicked.

The older blonde howled with laughter, throwing her head back. "..Did you drink? Are you kidding me??

Lex, you got fucked up! Like, completely wasted. I've never seen you like that."

The brunette furrowed her brows in confusion, swinging her legs over her bed as she tried to get up. Big mistake.

Dizziness quickly washed over her frame as the room began to spin and she tumbled back down onto the mattress. "Shit."

Cassie sighed. "Here, take these and drink this," she said, handing her sister two aspirins and a water bottle. "It has some liquid IV mixed in there, for hydration. You probably feel like you're dying right now, but it'll pass." She was clearly speaking from experience.

Lexi reluctantly followed the instructions, gulping back the two pills and chugging the water furiously, as if she'd been stranded in a desert for a week. The water mixture was gross, but she was thankful for anything to help her at that point. Being drunk was not her thing at all.

"Why did I get so wasted?" She sighed, shutting her eyes and attempting to lay back down, until the nausea took over and she quickly sprung back up, running towards their shared bathroom.

Cassie shook her head sadly, chasing after her younger sister to hold her hair back and rub her back soothingly as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the ceramic toilet bowl. Gagging furiously, she moaned out in desperation.

"I'm never..drinking..again."

"It's okay, Caterpillar, I'm right here," Cassie cooed, stroking her back gently. She hated to see her sister in a position like this-but tried not to judge, as she'd done way worse herself in her lifetime. But Lexi was supposed to be the "good" and innocent sister between their pair.

Lexi smiled weakly at her childhood nickname that she'd once resented. They used to call her Caterpillar due to how shy and distant she was, typically staying in her own little world, or "cocoon", for example. "..Nobody's called me that in forever," she choked out, slightly slurring her words.

The older of the two grimaced at the sight of vomit and saliva drooling off of her sister's lips, but then shot her a sympathetic look. "..You'll always be my Caterpillar, Lexi. Now let's get you cleaned up, m'kay?"


After a vigorous teeth brushing, flossing, face wash, and hot bath, Lexi felt like a brand new person. Her hangover was still in tact, but the symptoms had become less intense thankfully.

With the help of Cassie, she'd changed into a nice warm pair of pajamas and her wild hair was now brushed up neatly into a bun. Her nausea had subdued, but she was instructed to keep a plastic bag and mints next to her.."just in case".

"Wow, Cass, you really must know what you're doing," Lexi observed curiously. She'd always known that her sister was the more outgoing and rebellious of the two, but she wasn't aware of just how many times Cassie had been in her exact position.

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