20. Never Saying Goodbye (Finale)

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Lexi, Bobbi, and Ayla all lay on the hood of Bobbi's car, looking up at the stars twinkling in the night sky. They'd scored a bottle of cheap liquor, and were reminiscing, and talking about the future.

"..I can't fucking believe graduation is tomorrow," Ayla emphasized.

Lexi was still in disbelief as well. Everything had gone by so fast. Almost, too fast. But somehow, everything had still fallen into place, just how it was meant to. "..I know, right. I feel like just yesterday was the first day of high school."

"Glad we never have to relive that shit again," Ayla howled, swigging back from the bottle with a big gulp. "Ahh," she breathed out, patting her chest. "That's that good burn."

Bobbi just laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. "I sure know how to pick em', huh?" She teased.

"Please-you love me."

The next thing Lexi knew, two of her best friends had started making out passionately in front of her. It didn't weird Lexi out, she had no problem with them being together of course-but also...

"..Could you guys get a room?!" Lexi exclaimed, basically having to pry the two girls apart from each other's lips. She grimaced. "Suck each other's faces off when I'm not literally right in between you two, please."

Bobbi blushed, wiping the corners of her mouth. "Sorry," she apologized cheekily.

Ayla nodded, blushing as well."..Oops."

Lexi just waved them off with a fond head shake, grabbing the bottle of clear liquor from the wrinkled brown paper bag. She chugged down a bit, finishing off with a loud burp. She giggled. "Man. Why can't everyday feel like this?"

"Slow down there, Lex," Bobbi laughed, taking the bottle away. "You don't want to show up to graduation totally wasted."

"Yeah, probably not. But wouldn't it be fun??" She slurred out, giggling even more.

Ayla raised an eyebrow. "Okay-who are you, and what have you done with the real Lexi Howard?" She joked.

Lexi shrugs. "She's still here. I mean, it's-it's still me, just...changing. I've always lived so cautiously, though, you know? I was always the boring one-the safe one. Never really took chances or lived on the edge. I think...uh, I think that meeting Fez changed a lot of that for me. He made me less afraid."

Bobbi smiled, rubbing her friend's back comfortingly. "You guys are a great fit together."

"Yeah, for real. You've come out of your shell so much since you guys started dating. For a minute, I seriously thought somebody cloned you," Ayla noted, squinting her eyes to examine Lexi.

"Shut up," the brunette replied with a chuckle. "I'm serious. I just feel like a different person now. I used to worry so much about the future-I was always smart, and got good grades and all that, but I never really imagined living my life, and having real experiences. I thought I'd just only be going through the motions on autopilot. And, now I have someone that really loves me by my side through it all, too. It's more than I thought I'd ever have." Lexi clutched the necklace Fez had gifted her, close to her chest.

"You're sooo sappy," Ayla teased, shoving her. "..But really-I am so proud of you, mija. Make sure you invite us to the wedding."

"Of course. Only if I get a front row seat when you two tie the knot someday." Lexi winked.

"I wouldn't dream of you not being there." Bobbi smiled. "Friends forever."

"Huggggssss!" Ayla shrieked out, slurring her words and grinning from ear to ear. The three girls embraced each other tightly, not wanting to ever let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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