Im what?

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My name is Izuku Yagi... or at least it was, My story may not be the best but hey we all have our way.

If I'm going, to be honest, my life was pretty great at first. My beautiful mother was super nice, an amazing cook, and just... amazing.

My father was also great! He would play with us when he wasn't working, encouraging our dreams to be heroes, and was super laid back.

Then there was my twin sister Izumi she was my other half, we did everything together, ate, slept, played, we even dreamed together.

Besides that, I had awesome friends, The explosive Bakugous were our next-door neighbors. Katski the older twin-like me was huge All Might fan and loved talking Heros with me. Katsumi was a bit more outgoing but I always thought it was cute, plus I also thought she was pretty like her mom.

Then there was the Todorokis, they're the kids of Endeavor. Shoto also the older twin was super chill and loves playing heros with me. While shoka was a bit shy, it was also pretty cute just like her. I know their other siblings and they're cool too! Especially the oldest Touya, but at this point, everyone believed he was dead.

So you are probably wondering " Izuku why are you complaining? Your life seems awesome!" Well news flash, things change...

3rd person pov

Dr.Garaki: I'm sorry Yagi family but... Izuku won't be getting a quirk

Inko: A-are you sure?

Dr.Garaki: positive... although there is good news, Izumi seems to have got an upgraded version of your telekinesis allowing her to lift to 3 tons!

Inko: that's amazing! Hear that Izumi! You can be a hero!

Izumi: W-What about izuku?

Toshinori: Don't worry sweetheart, I'll take care of Izuku... and he'll be a hero too

Izuku/Inko: really?

Toshinori: yes!

When they got home inko began dinner while Toshi went to talk to Izuku

Toshinori: Izuku...what I'm about to tell you is very secret, not many people know not even your mother. It's about my quirk... it can be transferred from person to person

Izuku: Woah... is it strong?

Toshinori buffed up into All Might which answered Izuku's question

Toshinori: first we train your body and mold it to perfection, along with your combat skills. If we do everything correctly in about three years you can hold the quirk.

Izuku: okay dad I won't let you down!

Toshinori: I know because I was like you once

Izuku: wait... does mom know your All Might?

Toshinori: yes, she is Magnetic after all,but she doesn't know about my quirk so let's keep that between us.

Time skip 4:30 AM

Toshinori: izuku! Wake up! We must begin training!

Izuku: okay...

The boy got up and ready for the simple training that would mostly test how far along the boy is

Toshinori pov

Izuku reminds Me of myself when I was younger... I know he'll be an amazing hero, I just hope he'll be able to stop AFO

It's funny Nana I fell in love with your daughter and now your grandson is involved in this little war of ours

One thing is for sure... Izuku must become better than me, if he enters UA with a good handle on OFA then by the time he graduates he'll have already surpassed me by a long shot... but training will have to be ruthless if I truly want my boy to survive... seems as if I may have to kill him first, obviously not in a literal sense.

Izumi pov

Dad and izuku are spending a lot of time together, I'm glad that Izuku isn't sad that he's quirkless I wonder how our friends will react

Me: hey guys!

Shoka: hi

Katsumi: hey!

Shoto: Hello

Katski: sup... where's izuku?

Me: oh he was training with dad so he was running a bit late

Katsumi: already? What was his quirk?

Me: that's the thing he's quirkless, so he needs as much help as he can get!

Shoto: I don't know... isn't that a bit dangerous? Remember Touya?

Shoka: don't shoto

Shoto: you're right I'm sorry

Katski: but your right, he couldn't handle his quirk so he couldn't be a hero, and Deku doesn't even have one so imagine how he'd die.

Katsumi: D-Don't say that!

Izuku dying? I don't want that! I love my older brother!

Me: T-Then what should we do?

Katski: we have to show him he can't be a hero, it's that plain and simple

Shoto: how do we do that?

Katski: how do you show a dog is did something bad?

Katsumi: saying no?

Shoka: a time out?

Me: ignore it for a little bit?

Katski: no you show it what it did was bad!

Shoto: I'm not sure what you mean

Katski: all we have to do Is show him that he can't beat anyone without a quirk! And him being a quirkless hero is bad.

Me: A-Are you saying we hurt him?

Katski: I mean kinda, we just have to show him that we are better and he'll realize he can't be a hero.

Me: I can't do that! He'll hate me!

Katski: then just stay out of the way

Katsumi: I-I don't want Ichan to die...

Shoka: M-Me neither

Shoto: I-I think we have no other choice

When izuku got to school I saw as everyone began to tell him he could never be a hero, they even called some kids to beat him up, more than anything I wanted to help him but, I was scared

Izuku: Izumi! Help!

I looked at him and acted like I didn't hear

Izuku pov

Izumi... why?

As the others walked away from me I could barely get up

After that, it became a tradition to insult me or get me beat up... and every time Izumi would ignore me and for some reason so would Mom whenever she was around me

But every storm cloud has its silver lining

Time skip after school

???: Hey are you okay?

Me: huh?

I looked at her a girl My age she had beautiful brown eyes and hair, she was missing a tooth at the time but she was beautiful

Me: i-its nothing... I'm izuku Yagi

Ochako: I'm ochako Uraraka! Well... you seem sad, and whenever I'm sad I eat mochi! Wanna share?

Me: I-I would love to!

After that, Ochako and I became real close friends. I did end up telling her about My family and "Friends" but I stopped caring. As long as I had her I felt fine

Over the years I also fell in love, the slightest touch would give me butterflies, the way she said "Everything will be fine as long as we stay together" gave Me hope. But like I said things change and you can't keep the ones you love most, at least she's safe

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