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*one week later*

Recovery girl: Nerve root compression,
When a nerve root is compressed, it becomes inflamed. This results in several unpleasant symptoms that may include: Sharp pain in the back, arms, legs, or shoulders that may worsen with certain activities, even something as simple as coughing or sneezing. Weakness or loss of reflexes in the arms or legs. I've never seen it so severe, I doubt the poor boy can even move without screaming right now.

A collapsed lung,
A collapsed lung (pneumothorax) is a buildup of air in the space between the lung and the chest wall. As more air builds up in this space, the pressure against the lung makes the lung collapse. This causes shortness of breath and chest pain because your lungs cannot fully expand, so we've had to keep a careful watch over him or he could suffocate,

He has 27 shattered bones, several ribs, a leg, both of his arms, and many others are also broken.

Second impact syndrome (SIS) occurs when two concussions happen in a relatively short period of time and the second concussion is inflicted before the first has fully healed. This causes the brain to “lose its ability to self-regulate pressure and blood volume flowing” and causes rapid and severe brain swelling. This has been a recurring issue, just when we think he's stable, another one hits.

He's also experiencing Seizures, if not treated immediately he can have permanent damage.

A condition in which the blood doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells. Due to all the blood loss

His spinal cord was damaged and Spinal cord injury causes inflammation which can affect the whole nervous system – this includes the brain, and the brain can be very sensitive to inflammation and pressure.

He also has several torn muscles, I can't remember the last time I saw someone this hurt

Aizawa: and what can you do to heal him?

Recovery girl: that's the thing, I've done all I can at the moment if I do any more I just increase the damage, for now, he's heavily sedated. He'll be out for another day or two.

Aizawa: my nephew is alive... And that idiot nearly killed him

Recovery girl: we wanted to tell you it's just...

Aizawa: just what?

Recovery girl: it's not my place to tell

Aizawa looked down, he was furious, his nephew the one he mourned for was alive... At least barely

 At least barely

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Aizawa: kid... You better not die on me... Y-You better not die on Eri

There was a moment of silence, the only thing that was heard was the soft sobs of Aizawa and the beeping from the machines

Aizawa stood up and took a deep breath

Aizawa: I have to go and deal with some stuff, but I will be back

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