Life With The Yagis

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The following year after izuku died The Yagi family was a depressing shell of what it once was,

Toshinori had come out as All Might to Izumi and told her he was to blame for Izuku's death

After that Toshinori wasn't home much, he was usually working

Inko had fallen into a great depression, she hardly ever came out of her room to do anything, if it wasn't for Izumi she probably would have died from starvation or dehydration.
Even then whenever Izumi went in there it was dark and so cold

Then there was Izumi she had put on a mask, one that was happy and confident. But on the inside she was a scared and sad little girl, missing her other half

The entire family had blamed themselves for what happened to Izuku, not knowing the truth

Time skip Izumi's pov

It's been two years since Izuku died... At least mom started doing hero work again

I went to school and saw my old friends

Katsumi: hey Zumi how are you today?

Me: I'm fine

Shoka: look there she is

Me: who?

Katsuki: that girl over there was Izuku's girlfriend

Shoka: no she wasn't!

Katsumi: shut up katsuki!

Shoto: leave her alone... I don't think Izuku would want us to talk to her

She had brown hair with, permanent blush, and she looked so... happy

I went up to her and greeted her

Me: hello... I'm Izumi Yagi

Ochako: oh... hi! I'm Ochako Uraraka

Me: my friends say you knew my brother

Ochako looked behind me to see the rest and made a sour face

Ochako: wait... you look like Izuku!

Me: s-so you did know him?

Ochako: know him? I love him! He's my best friend! And one day we're getting married!

Me: I don't know how you haven't heard but... he died

Ochako: oh yeah... Izumi...heh

Me: what's so funny?

Ochako: Izuku told me that you started ignoring him... but he still only ever said good things about you

Me: r-really?

Ochako: mhm! He said one day he would show you that he could be a hero and together you guys would make a great team!

Me: w-what else did he say!

Ochako: that one day we'll all be happy together and become friends!

Oh izuku...I'm Sorry... maybe if I wasn't so dumb... that could have been real

Time skip inkos pov 

Who would have expected the Red Hood to give me such good advice

Toshinori: are you all right? What did the Red Hood want with you?

Me: he saved me from me...but I need to do something

Toshinori: and what is that?

Me: I need to see Izumi

Toshinori: why is something wrong?

Me: yes... We've continued to be bad parents

Toshinori: Inko... you know what happened with Izuku wasn't your fault

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