Big brother of 1-A

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Before we start I just wanna say, thanks for reading! Also, this story will remain Izuocha, and a big thanks to Z3r0PL for suggesting this instead of a harem

Izuku woke up at 5 am and put on his disguise, then he went for a run.

After 30 minutes he got back and saw Momo in the kitchen, along with Iida

Izuku: hey guys! What are you making?

Momo: I don't know... I'm not sure how to cook actually

Izuku: oh, is Iida helping you?

Iida: while I would love to, I also don't know anything about the culinary arts

Izuku: here let me help

He grabbed a bowl and said

Izuku: you work on the pancakes, I'll work on the eggs, and Iida if you want you can help with the bacon

Iida: I would love to, but I cannot accept help from a vigilante

Izuku: oh... okay

Momo: what do I do first?

Izuku: first whisk the egg and milk together, remember we're making a big batch

Momo: all right

Izuku: now add flour and beat until there are no lumps

He saw momo make a bat and he grabbed it before she physically beat the batter.

Izuku: I meant whisk it some more

Momo: is there anything else we can add?

Izuku: does anyone have any allergies?

Momo: I don't think so, why?

Izuku grabbed some blueberries and put them in

Izuku: okay now lightly grease that pan and add some of your batter

Momo jumped slightly at the noise it made

Izuku: don't worry Momo it won't bite you. If only the rest of the class could see their class president

Momo: actually I'm not the class president

Izuku: what! That's bullshit! Who is?

Momo: Izumi and Iida got the vice rep

Izuku: wait... didn't you say earlier that I'm the second new kid?

Momo: yes why?

Izuku: well, let's do a recount, and to make it fair neither I nor the other guy can be voted

Momo: we'll have to ask Izumi

After a bit of time, they were cooking when they heard a yawn

Izuku looked behind him to see Eri holding Her blanket and rubbing her eye

She was still in her pajamas and her hair was all messy

Eri: Papa... what time is it?

Izuku: it's six, perfect timing snowball.  Let's get you ready for the day. Momo can you take care of this?

Momo: um... sure

As the father and daughter left Iida approached Momo

Iida: I don't understand why you interact with him the way you do, are you perhaps in a romantic relationship with him?

Momo: what no! Izuku is my friend, although he is attractive I could never see him as anything else. He always looks out for us and makes sure we're okay

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