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Izuku walked with the prison guard to the visitation center. It was still mid-day, so Izuku didn't expect it to be any of his friends

He approached the seat and saw his adoptive father and homeroom teacher

Izuku: Hey, Aizawa

Aizawa: How are you doing, kid?

Izuku: I've made plenty of friends, some of whom I met before I was arrested

Aizawa: they want to kill you, don't they?

Izuku: Give the man a prize!

Aizawa: I'm working on getting you a lawyer. Your court is in a few days

Izuku: That's soon. Why is it so soon?

Aizawa: Because you have been wanted in 3 major countries, what's more, is you're the biological son of All Might. And you tried to kill the world's number-one villain on live TV

Izuku: Sadly, I have so much stuff that I could get prosecuted for, and that's not even half of it

Aizawa: Is there anything you need me to do?

Izuku: Yeah, I need you to make sure my court has my peers and get whatever you can on Inko

Aizawa: inko?

Izuku: I'd say it's time. Magnetic and All Might pay for their crimes

Aizawa: You want to blame them for you becoming the red hood?

Izuku: Don't worry about it, just get whatever you think will help

Aizawa: All right, I also put a few thousand Yen in your commissary

Izuku: It is much appreciated

After a bit more  discussion, Izuku had to return to his  cell

When Izuku got there, he began doing a handstand, and he held the position for 120 seconds, then he'd stop using a finger. He did this until he was on both of his thumbs. It was physically straining, and something Izuku had never done before

Izuku steadily began lifting his left arm

Izuku's cellmate watched in utter disbelief

After another 120 seconds, Izuku switched hands

Cellmate: How can you do that?

Izuku: it took a lot of practice and training

Cellmate: How much for -

Izuku: I can't be bought

Cellmate: Fair enough... so tell me Yagi, what's the story?

Izuku: All Might wasn't the best father, basically tortured me into becoming his perfect soldier, I faked my death and became the Red Hood,

Cellmate: Is it that simple?

Izuku: There were a few other factors, but essentially, yeah, that's it.

Cellmate: So... what's your goal?

Izuku: Don't worry about that, I'm just trying to raise my little girl and get married

Cellmate: Then why go to UA?

Izuku: Figured the Hero track was the best way to give them a normal life

Cellmate: How old is she?

Izuku: she's six now, crazy to believe it's been five years

Cellmate: So she's adopted?

Izuku: Yeah, but she'll always be my little girl

Izuku eventually lost focus and had to dismount from the handstand

Red Hood Deku Where stories live. Discover now