Chapter 2: The escape

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When it was my turn to be accounted for the Nord in front of me the captain called Hadvar said I wasn't on the list and get this. The captain said I had to go to the block anyway, so irresponsible it just oh my god. Ok sorry back to the story. So anyway They executed a Stormcloak then it was my turn but I heard a roaring sound but I went anyway. Then from the mountains I saw what looked like a dragon. "What in oblivion is that" General tullius exclaimed the general of the Imperials. Even though is a dragon attacking the executioner continues and is killed by flames from the dragon. Ralof then called to me saying to get up and follow him after fighting soldiers and killing spider and bears I finally came out and began my ad venture to save my family from the kidnappers.

Hello again I just wanted to give another shoutout to Bethesda again for making a beautiful game which is why am putting in all this effort into making this book the best there is. So peace out and I'll try to update this book again by tomorrow I have a lot going on this after noon and I'm at school right now so yeah bye

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