Chapter 7: We know...

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After I accepted Aventus's "reward" I headed to the inn in hopes to get some rest and food, and some mead to help me sleep a little. But when I was just about to open the door a courier came to me and hurriedly gave me a note, and it showed a black handprint and the words" We know""strange, who would send thi....oh shit".
I brushed it off my mind and knew I was safe with the guards in the city, so I purchased a room and I went to sleep.
"Wakes wakey" a voice said playfully then I saw the armor of a dark brotherhood member and knew I was screwed."where am i""what does it matter your warm safe and very much alive, that's not to say about Grelod hmmm""how do you know about that""word gets around, old woman killed in her own orphanage, you know the rest""okay..""don't get me wrong it was a good kill...a kill that you stole""please don't hurt me I'm just a simple kitty cat, I mean no, okay just let me out and you won't die""dont fool yourself, you can get out if you do a contract, see one of these people has a contract set out for them, and all you need to do is kill the right on and your free to go""oh...okay we'll I choose the whiner" Hahh yahhh, I exclaimed as swung my blade to decapitate the poor fellow"can I go now I really need to get back to stealing stuff and hunting""okay then" and I started to leave.

Hello me again, I just wanted to say sorry for not putting out new chapters that often and sorry for the short chapter I'm kinda at a writers block but I'll try my best to make good content. SO PEACE OUT SHEPARDS

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