Chapter 29: the arena

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Since I have completed both trials I was sent to the arena to prove my might" are you ready andjiit" muttered a strange woman who was covered head to toe in black silk made from what I smelled, made out of arachnidium, a rare metal that if cooled to below zero temperatures turns to a fine silk" I must be if this one wants to live" I said in a strong tone. I was put on a levipad courtesy of Neloth the wizard. In two seconds flat I was battling nords dark elves and saber cats. I was battling a saber cat when it lunged at me sunk its fang into my right thigh, I felt a searing pain, as my femur broke and I was forced to use magic, " at least it's restoration magic" and I was ready again after several minutes.

The saber cat was dead and the elves were ganging up on me, I tried to go into werewolf mode but I had an amulet magically glued to my skin that restricted it. " you dare fight an agent of Molag-Bal and I pulled out of oblivion Mehrunes razor and quickly executed all but one elf who was an agent of Mara who I then shouted "Fus Ro DAH" and he was shouted to pieces, I had won this horrible mix of death and blood coming out with a huge scar to prove I had been wounded

Hello shepards sorry for the long time in between I was thinking up a plan and I'm doing a poll in the comments. Would you rather have a Dawngaurd story from now on, or do I do a soldiers story and that is it so PEACE OUT MY SHEPARDS

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