Chapter 1

501 9 1

Y/n - your name/your first name
L/n - last name
Age - 17
Italics mean thoughts

I stand there.

With the most bored and unaffected look on my face.

I know my dad said that I would love it here but I have a feeling that I'm gonna be bored half to death...

I think while rolling my eyes and letting out an annoyed sigh.

I guess I should just hurry up and go.

I think as I chug the rest of my energy drink and force myself to walk into the school and towards where I think my class is.

I finally make it into school and walk slowly through the hallway taking my time. I look around aimlessly at the hallway looking curiously at everything.

I stop suddenly as a line on the ground peaks my interest and I start to walk on it with my arms out will my briefcase in one hand while swaying side to side slightly trying to balance, pretending that I would fall and bash my brains in if I were to lose my balance even a little.

As I'm walking like a lunatic and trying to focus completely on the line I've been following I suddenly bump into someone.

I lose my balance but quickly regain it. I look up quickly to see who I bumped into.

Y/n: Hey, you could have killed me! If I would have fallen off my line and bashed my head open my blood would have been on your hands!

I say jokingly as the girl looks at me unimpressed.

???: Hey, you watch it girly. What the hell are you even doing?

I look at the girl in front of me and my eyes light up curiously.

Y/n: Wow, you're super pretty. Oh, and your piercings are totally cool. Aw, and your headband is super cute!

I say as I excitedly point at the things I'm listing off. She stands there with a blank face but obviously confused.

???: Uhhhhh... huh?

Y/n: Oh, cool! What's with the eyepatch? It looks totally badass. Do you have a crazy scar or something? Oh! Or did you lose your eye completely? What happened? Did you lose it by doing something crazy? Like getting in a crazy fight? OR is it something even crazier than that?!

I say as I balance myself on my line.

The girl continues to look at me with a blank look, obviously struggling to process any of the things I said and failing to answer a single one of my many questions.

I start to get bored very quickly and take her by the shoulders and move her gently to the side and out of my way.

I take a few steps forward leaving the girl behind as I balance on my line very carefully.

I turn back around to face the girl.

Y/n: maybe we'll see each other another time and you can tell me how you got that cool eyepatch! Kay'?

I say before turning around and abandoning my line once I see that my classroom is coming up.

???: Hey! Where do you think you are going?!

The girl calls out to me

I look at her from over my shoulder as I continue near my classroom.

Y/n: Sorry, I got bored~ Hehe

~Clutz~ Midari Ikishima x F!readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang