Chapter 6

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So... happy valentines day ig. I have no valentine :,) So I'm writing ff to fill the void I'm feeling rn<33

Next day at school

I'm walking through the hallway with Yumeko and Ryota.

They have been giving me worried looks all day.

Maybe because I have dark circles under my eyes that I didn't bother to cover up and I've been unusually and unsettlingly quiet.

Ryota Suzui: Y/n are you sure you're ok?

I turn to Ryota with a small smile on my face but blank eyes.

Y/n: Of course! I'm just super tired.

I say as we walk into the room that is holding the debt settlement party. Both Yumeko and Ryota give me a worried look but drop it.

I walk away from them and go lean against a wall as a way to hold my tired body up. Yumeko follows me and stands next to me. I can feel someone glaring into the side of my head. I tiredly turn my head to the side to see that it's Saotome. I look at her for a second and then look forward. I can hear Saotome 'tch' in response to my lack of response.

I let my eyes close and listen to the woman who is going to explain the game.

Irrelevant ass bitch: Welcome to the Debt Settlement Party. I am Sayaka Igarashi, secretary of the student council. Every year, our school has students who have trouble with their debts. So, the student council has provided them with an opportunity. We call it the Debt Swap Game.

I scoff hearing the things come out of her mouth

Y/n: So basically they are giving you the chance to take back the money that they took from you and hoard for the fun of it. And they are trying to make it sound like a good deed, funny. The least they can do is acknowledge that they are the ones that took the money and put all these people in this situation.

I say thinking allowed.

Sayaka Igarashi: You will gamble in groups of four and swap debts based on your performance. Rank first and you'll swap with the person with the lowest debt in the group. Rank last and you'll swap with the person with the highest debt. Either way, your debt is swapped. I know you're concerned that the person with the least debt has nothing to gain. But that's not true. If you happen to win your debt will be erased. Now, everyone, it's time for a second chance. Take good advantage of this chance.

Hmm sounds pretty interesting, sucks I can't watch it though. I should probably get going soon before they count me in on the game.

I stand up with a tired sigh and begin to walk away from Yumeko and Saotome but I'm stopped when someone grabs my arms.

I turn to see that it's Yumeko looking at me with sad burgundy colored eyes

Y/n: What are you doing?

Yumeko Jabami: Why don't you stay and play with us? Maybe a gamble will lift your spirits! And maybe if we're lucky you, Mary, and I will get to play together!

Yumeko says with a pleading look

I highly doubt a gamble will lift my spirits

Mary Saotome: Hold on! Your debt is huge, Jabami. I don't want to play with you!

Yumeko Jabami: Oh come on Saotome it will be fun!~

Saotome rolled her eyes and turned away from the 2 of us with an annoyed look.

~Clutz~ Midari Ikishima x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now