Chapter 9

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We break the kiss, both in need of air.

We look at each other for a moment before Midari brings her hand up to my face and wipes the blood from my lip with her thumb.

Midari keeps eye contact with me as she takes her thumb that now has my blood on it and puts it in her mouth. Cleaning off the blood.

Midari Ikishima: Well, I guess you were right. I do look at you.

She says with a smirk.

Y/n: I knew it.

I say with a sweet smile


The next day at school


Mary and I walk through the hall talking and laughing. Sipping on some drinks that we had gotten from a vending machine

And even though I'm enjoying my time with Mary, the events from last night are still on my mind.

The kiss with Madari and what she said to me after.

Flashback to last night

Midari stands up from her seat on the swing. She comes over to mine and leans over me.

Midari Ikishima: You can call me Midari, Alright?

I smile at him sweetly.

Y/n: Ok, Midari~

I say flirtatiously.

She smirks at me before standing up straight and walking as close as she can to me.

She grabs my chin and tilts my head up as far as she can so that I'm looking up at her.

Midari Ikishima: And don't worry, we will be spending time together very soon.

She says mischievously before letting go of my chin and walking away

Flashback overrrr

I'm deep in thought about last night and thirsting over Midari when I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder.

Mary Saotome: What are you thinking about?

I let out a dreamy sigh

Y/n: Midari Ikishima~

I say with a wide smile as I speed up a little.

Mary also speeds up and looks at me with a confused look

Mary Saotome: The student council's beautification officer? Why would you be thinking about that psycho

She says and I can he the judgeyness in her voice.

I look over at her with a smile.

I skip ahead so that I'm in front of her, face to face so that I'm now walking backward down the hallway.

Y/n: Because she's super hot~

I say with a wide smile. Mary just scoffs and rolls her eyes.

Mary Saotome: Yeah maybe. But she's psycho

~Clutz~ Midari Ikishima x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now