Chapter 5

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The person walks up and we can all clearly see who it is now.

And my smile only grows even bigger seeing that I was right about who it was

Y/n: Hey Hot eyepatch girl!

She smirks at the nickname

Hot eyepatch girl: Hey clutz~

I jokingly roll my eyes

I mean it's a deserved nickname. Each time I've met her I've bumped into her and one of those times I knocked her to the ground.

I giggle inwardly at the memories before refocusing. I can see a hot eyepatch girl looking over me from behind Jun.

My eyes widen as I remember that my shirt is unbuttoned and my whole f/c bra is out. I can feel my face heat up as I realize how exposed I am and how compromising this situation may look because once Jun heard someone else coming near us he put the knife away.

Jun Kiwatari: Who the hell are you?

Ryota straightens out Yumeko and makes sure she can stand on her own before chiming in.

Ryota Suzui: U-uh your Midari Ikishima. You're the student council's beautification officer, right?

She nods her head in response to focused on me and Jun to answer.

Midari Ikishima...

Ikishima takes the briefcase she was holding and shoves it into Ryota's chest and he reflexively holds it.

Midari Ikishima: It's not nice to get violent. As the beautification officer, I'll have to stop you~ Y'know... If ya need it that bad, I'll do it with you~

Jun Kiwatari: Huh?

He says confused and I giggle slightly at his reaction as I quickly start to button up my shirt since his back is to me and he's distracted.

After I button up my shirt I look up to see Ikishima taking a revolver out of her briefcase that Ryota is holding. She takes it and points it directly at Jun.

My eyes light up seeing the revolver

So. Pretty

I've always liked guns. I've grown up practically surrounded by them so I was bound to have some kind of interest in them.

Midari Ikishima: How bout we gamble for the right to it. One of these chambers has a bullet in it. I'll pull the trigger once. And if nothing happens, I'll do whatever you want. But if it does fire, it'll blow your little face inside out~ Well? Fun, huh?

Jun Kiwatari: You're not making one damn bit of sense.

Midari Ikishima: I don't get it! Are you that scared? There's a five out of six chance to screw me. If I was in your place, I'd take you up on it immediately.

Ikishima's eyes light up and she gets a slight blush on her face.

Midari Ikishima: Wait... In your place... That's it! We switch places! You shoot! If the gun doesn't fire, just go home. And if it does... I won't be in a position to resist, so you can do whatever you want. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain, right? The only choice here is to shoot! Now, shoot! Come on! Shoot!

She says with the gun now flipped around in her hand with the grip is facing Jun.

Maybe if I get Jun out of the way she'll let me hold her gun!~

~Clutz~ Midari Ikishima x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now