Chapter 2

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Back in the classroom

Classmates: Jabami! Y/n! Welcome to year two, flower class!

Classmates: Where did you transfer from Jabami?

Classmates: Do you two have any hobbies?

Classmates: Do you have a boyfriend? Let's be friends!

Yumeko Jabami: Yes, I hope we can be friends too!

I sit closely with Jabami as questions are thrown at us and she answers all of hers while I just ignore most of mine, bored by the attention and questions. Pretty much just bored by all of it.

As I'm staring out into space I see the blonde with pigtails that I saw early walking towards me confidently with a sly smile.

She stops directly in front of me with her hand out

Pigtail chick: Hello Y/n~ I'm Mary Saotome. I hope we can be friends!

I stood up from my spot to shake her hand.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Saotome! I too hope we can be great friends as well!

I say with a bright smile

This girl seems very interesting. She seems... how do I put it... She seems like a fake bitch. And I love it.

Mary Saotome: Are you free after this Y/n? If so, I was wondering if you would like to gamble with me!

I hear a small gasp and turn to see who it was. It was Suzui and for some reason, he looked very scared and nervous.

How interesting

Y/n: I would love to!

I say with a big smile.


I am now seated across from Saotome

Jabami and Suzui are standing behind me.

Saotome begins to explain the game we will be playing.

Mary Saotome: It's called Ballot Rock-Paper-Scissors, a gambling game that our class made. First, everyone in our class draws either a rock, scissors, or paper on a card. Then they drop those cards into the box so we can't see them. We will draw three cards from the box, choose just one, and play Rock-Paper-Scissors.
If it's a stalemate, we draw from the remaining two cards and play again. If it's a stalemate all three times, it's a draw. That makes up one game. Unlike normal Rock-Paper-Scissors, you don't always show your entire hand. Trying to read each other under such unfair circumstances is the fun of it.

Y/n: Wow that sounds super fun!

Mary Saotome: ok! That's what I like to hear!

Saotome waves Suzui over and he walks over to her and stands beside her

he has a worried look on his face

Kyota Suzui: U-uh Y/n

Saotome grabs suzui by his house pet tag and yanks him down harshly so her mouth is level with his ear

Mary Saotome: Quiet. Now, go fetch the chips Fido

he hesitates

Mary Saotome: I said Fetch

Ok that's enough

I think, my cheery mood is thoroughly ruined as I stand and slam my fists down on the table gaining Saotome's attention

~Clutz~ Midari Ikishima x F!readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ