001: Love at first sight

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Love isn't supposed to be like this... right?


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Seonghwa would like to think he's a good spell caster.

He never went out of his way to use dark magic on other living beings even if they got on his bad side, he let it pass. He didn't particularly use dark magic.

Only if it were necessary.

You see, in the wondrous spellcaster world where Seonghwa happens to be in, there are many spells. Spells with many side effects and different outcomes depending on how you use them.

If you use it for selfish reasons, you most likely will end up with a bad result. If you use it for the good, perhaps your chances are higher.

Magic is unpredictable. Anything is possible when dwelling on it.

Seonghwa is a light spellcaster. That means he only should be using light magic and nothing in between.

Of course, as any witch, Seonghwa can use other magic types but it is not recommended.

Seonghwa made an oath to his coven when he was a child. When a witch turns the age of 14 years, they are bound to follow the coven orders of resisting to use of any dark magic no matter what the costs were.

He swore not to use any dark magic in his life! Well, he lied.

He broke that oath last week when he decided to make a love potion.

A love potion. Why would Seonghwa want to break his oath to make a love potion?

Honestly, it was nonsense to Seonghwa that he was willing to go beyond his duty as a witch to make a powerful love potion because he was in love.

Yes, Park Seonghwa was in love.

It wasn't just a crush. Seonghwa thought it would just pass and would never float in his head again. That didn't work out the way he wanted.

The truth was, Seonghwa never experienced love before and he was scared too.

At the same time, he wasn't. The thought of it made excitement flow in his heart, making him all giggly inside. 

The presumption of getting heartbroken was an instant threat to him. Maybe it was the thought of being rejected? Or it brought back bad memories from the past with his parents.

He didn't know. All he knew was that he couldn't go through with that again.

It started about 3 weeks ago. The weather was miserable, the clouds formed into a thunderous purple and it wasn't long before rain evaporated.

Seonghwa didn't mind the rain. If it were his choice, he would stay out there until it went away. The only thing that was stopping him was catching a cold.

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