014: Sacrifice

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I love you.

I love you

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What if felt like blood sweat and tears falling down Seonghwa's face was not an exaggeration.

Nevertheless, he was not the only person that felt the same way.

"It's not working!" Yeosang yells. Hitting the ground as his spell backfires.

Everything was a disaster. No matter what they did, even with all of their magic, they couldn't find a way to ease Wooyoung's pain.

Seonghwa peers to look over at Wooyoung, it wasn't as bad but now black veins cover his whole face and body.

It was the magic rejecting to cure. Well, there was no official cure.

However, San did find an olden grimoire that swore to have a similar statement that matched Wooyoung and Seonghwa's situation.

They continued to try and try again, pressuring each of their magic to its limits to save their dearest friend.

And for Seonghwa, he felt hopeless. He wished he could do something-anything that could end it all.

But there was nothing he could do. His magic was completely faded by the time Wooyoung began to experience the withdrawals of the spell.

Along taking his magical abilities too. He was powerless by the time he got to Wooyoung.

He couldn't comprehend what was going on. His powers suddenly disappeared along with Wooyoung's life on the line.

How could this all happen so suddenly? It was unpractical. This had to be on magic, there couldn't be someone interfering with the casting, right?

Seonghwa's eyes were wide, what if someone was conjuring the spell to failure? There was someone out there stopping them to save Wooyoung's life.

But who? Who is this person or was there more than one?

Seonghwa didn't have time to track down and began to collect suspects. He wasn't a detective on some case. This was Wooyoung's life in his hands.

He had to do something soon and quickly, there wasn't much time before it was going to be late.

And, Seonghwa could never live with himself if something bad happened to his Wooyoung.

"I don't understand it..." San huffs, hitting his head lightly on the ground. "I researched for days...weeks...hours! How is this not working?"

"You'd think we would know?" Yeosang says, hands on his head. "We have to keep trying. For Wooyoung's sake."

"Yeosang, it's not going to work."

"Shut up, San. How do you know? We don't have any other choice, do we?"

"I'm not trying to be negative," San says, getting up off the ground. "Something is blocking our magic. Every time we try to eliminate the black magic, it comes back and fires."

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