004: Side effects

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You ruined everything.

You ruined everything

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Wooyoung shrinks down as Seonghwa sprints angrily towards him.

He's never seen Seonghwa so mad before, it scared him. But yet, he was oddly attracted by it.

Seonghwa grabs his shoulders and starts to shake him like a ragdoll. "What did you do Wooyoung! Answer me!"

Even with all of the shouting, Wooyoung found himself staring at the floor.

It wasn't like he meant to drink the potion, it just happened to be in front of him- weirdly enough, calling out his name.

He didn't think it was a big deal at all! Realistically, he shouldn't be peeping around in Seonghwa's house but once again, he let his curiosity get the best of him again.

The way Seonghwa was reacting, was a big deal. Whatever that potion was, it had some type of significance to Seonghwa and he kinda just ruined it.

"Hwa-fuck it was an accident. I-I didn't mean to." His words got caught up, he couldn't even speak feeling the heated tension between him and Seonghwa.

"I can't believe you!" Seonghwa lets go of his shoulders. "You ruined everything!"

"I-I'm sorry, Hwa. I don't know what happened! I'll fix it..." Wooyoung didn't know he was crying until small drops from his tears were falling onto his shirt.

Refusing to look at Seonghwa, he bents down with shaking hands to try to pick up the broken shards on the floor.

"You can't fix this." Seonghwa scoffs. "Not this one...you just can't." Seonghwa meets Wooyoung on the floor. Halting him to stop trying to pick up the broken glass.

And yet, Seonghwa was pissed at him but still didn't want him to get hurt.

He cautiously glances up at Seonghwa, who is taking the shards into his hand one by one. His face is blank but his eyes say another story.

They are a bit teary; sad even. It just made Wooyoung feel worse.

"I just wanted him to love me. Maybe I'm not meant to fall in love." Seonghwa mumbles, holding his face with his hands.

Wooyoung picks up his head higher. Did I just hear him right?

This time, Wooyoung feels a spill of anger awakens in him. "Seonghwa what the hell was that potion? And what do you mean by that?"

Seonghwa stands up on his feet. "You want the truth? Hongjoong is in love with someone else and I didn't want to accept that so I put my magic to the test."

Wooyoung shakes his head. "Don't tell me..."

Seonghwa smiles sadly, "I made a love potion to make him like me."

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