010: Memories

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I wonder if we'll cross paths some day.

I wonder if we'll cross paths some day

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After all the events and new discoveries that San disclosed-Wooyoung noticed a shift not only within himself but, in Seonghwa too.

He thought he was being rather strange, quiet even. Seonghwa seemed a bit on edge whenever he was in the same presence of him and underlying uneasiness when San appeared.

He was so on edge-as he resisted any input from San or anyone. He couldn't find the time to ask Seonghwa about his inter conflict with San as said before, he didn't have time.

Time was sneaking up to him as if his life was on his line. Quite literally, that was exactly what was happening in this moment of his dilemma.

He couldn't believe it. San proved that he was on a fine line of death if Seonghwa couldn't fall head over heals of him. It was impractical.

How could anyone fall in love with someone that quick? It seemed too perplexed for Wooyoung to understand.

Dealing with his own conflicts he feared to show, Wooyoung stays oblivious. He couldn't get cold feet now, he can only hope that Park Seonghwa can love him in ways that seem to be inhumanly.

The two were seated outside. Well, only one of them as the other, Seonghwa, who stood against the door behind Wooyoung eagerly waiting to evacuate the premises of the Choi family.

Wooyoung couldn't bare to handle Seonghwa anxiousness, he wanted to get down to what was going on. It wasn't the right time to utter a word.

Nervousness kicked in and biting off his nails began, Wooyoung felt his head was going to be friends with the cemented staircase if he wasn't going to leave this suffocating environment.

Everything goes stale when Seonghwa passes by him in a hurry. "Seonghwa!" He follows, practically rushing up to the other and pulling back to face him.

Wooyoung freezes up seeing the distortion on Seonghwa's face. His eyes that were filled with static epiphany-turned to dread sympathy.

"What's going on with you?" He asks, softly. He has an idea that comes to mind, simply it couldn't have been San.

"It's my fault." Seonghwa bluntly responds, staring down at Wooyoung's hand. "I'm hurting us both."

"I-I don't get what you are saying-"

"Wooyoung, don't you get it? It's my fault that everything is happening!" Seonghwa grabs his hand and holds it up.

"And please, spare me the lies. I know you love me, Wooyoung." Wooyoung doesn't like how this conversation was heading. "Hwa-"

"No, I don't want to hear it." Seonghwa still doesn't let go of his hand. "It's why you drunk the potion, right? Cause you wanted me all to yourself."

"What? That's not true!" Stop it. "I never would do that to you. I truely respect if you don't love me-"

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