008: New encounters

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He could never imagine why love was being so cruel.

He could never imagine why love was being so cruel

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Seonghwa paced around the unfamiliar kitchen-it wasn't like he didn't know Wooyoung's house, Wooyoung always had a habit of ending up moving things around.

Seonghwa finally finds what he is looking for. The teacups. He found it weird that Wooyoung kept them with his cereal.

Seonghwa grabs two cups. Placed the one on the counter and as for the other one, he didn't have the greatest grip on it and it falls to the floor. Shattering into millions of pieces.

He groans, looking around for Wooyoung who didn't seem to be in sight. He wasn't worried but the boy was taking a while which was unusual to Seonghwa.

He bends down to the glass. Hovering his hand over it and whispering a small spell to bring the cup back to its true self.

A luminous light takes over his eyes, continuing to chant the spell one last time. He removes his hand to look at the cup he fixed but sees that it is still broken all over Wooyoung's floor.

Strange. Seonghwa tries it again-maybe he messed up the spell. He does but to no avail, the glass stays where it was.

Seonghwa looks at his hand, frowning at the sight. His magic never failed him when it came to a grade-level spell.

There was no way his magic was draining from his body. That was impossible. He couldn't think of a reason that may have caused this sudden shift.

Whatever it was-there had to be an explanation. His magic wouldn't just disappear out of the blue, right?


It's okay-just deal with it later. With invisible concern, Seonghwa stands up, hiding the glass.

"Everything okay?" Seonghwa nods, matching Wooyoung's eyes to where he was staring at.

He sighs, moving away. "Sorry, Wooyoung. I dropped the cup."

Confused, Wooyoung looks down at the cup then back at Seonghwa. He doesn't say much more until he feels tension radiating from Seonghwa's body.

"Oh. That's alright. It's no biggie, you didn't get hurt, right?" Wooyoung tiredly walks over to grab the broom and dustpan.

No, but my magic is. "I'm fine." Seonghwa waves it off, watching Wooyoung clean up his mess. He feels guilty again.

Wooyoung's movements are slow. He carefully follows as Wooyoung sweeps the glass into the pan.

He couldn't pinpoint it but something was off. First, his magic. Now, Wooyoung was detaching himself from him.

"Alrighty." Wooyoung stands up with the pan in his hands. He hides his pain behind his smile as he continued to walk over to the trash bin and throw out the discarded glass.

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