009: Unravel truths

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I'll tell you a little secret that may hold the key to your future.

I'll tell you a little secret that may hold the key to your future

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Wooyoung found San's witchy house quite interesting. The interior of the home was pigmented with the colour sage. It felt comfortable but for Wooyoung, he felt out of place.

He always thought witches would be organized-at least Yeosang and Seonghwa were. As for San, it looked like a storm came in and shook the place.

He watched San collecting his things and throwing them into the nearest room or closet. He was sitting on his own with Yeosang who kept shaking his head at the brunette.

He could tell Yeosang was growing impatient. The blonde was tapping his foot off the ground and sending a stink eye at San whenever he started to throw his belongings away.

Wooyoung patted his thigh, hoping the blonde would ease up. Curiosity piqued his interest-how Yeosang and San knew each other.

It wasn't like they could have met paths, that was impossible. They had to meet unexpectedly as it was taught that witches who learned light magic were the outside of those who were taught dark magic.

It was a cycle. A cycle made of two large circles. On the inside, the dark mages, dealt with the unseen or beyond their world. These mages were associated with a power that everyone feared at some point in their lives.

Death. Yes, death.

Death was foreseeable with these mages, they were born to not fear what they saw and the cruel aftermath of it.

Death was feared even within these mages, at some point, these mages had to be prepared for the worst. The sounds of handling magic are surreal-but, with power, there's always a price.

And for them, the price was unwelcomed death. These mages may have the power to control death or foresee it, but as for their own, it was a path that was automatically chosen.

Dark magic mages didn't live long. That's why Wooyoung never encountered one in his life until now.

For light magic mages, there wasn't much of a downfall since they were on the outside. They were like everyone else, they couldn't see death coming to them or another person.

But with the outside, you see everything and everyone around you. The world and magic colliding into one were scary-as light magic mages could heal those who were suffering.

Wooyoung understood why Yeosang and Seonghwa kept a low profile when it came to magic.

He recalls the fear in Seonghwa of telling him-he wasn't like him. He wasn't a normal kid like everyone wanted him to be, he had to carry much more on his shoulders than anyone could imagine.

He couldn't picture how much of a hard life San had too-especially possessing dark magic.

"I finally found it!" His intrusive thoughts were set to the side as San's voice ringed through his ears.

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