chapter 3

36 1 0

TW: fighting, unconsciousness  



Mind link



~the next day with the heros~ 

The three hero's were were all at their base (in normal clothes now) with two other males. The smaller of the three heros was wearing a light blue shirt and light brown trousers with a grey cardigan around his neck and circular glasses on his face. He was in the kitchen making pancakes (Or how he likes to call them "Patton Cakes" since his name was Patton Heart). The taller of the three heros was wearing a dark blue shirt and black trousers with a necktie on and square glasses on his face. He was sitting at the table (next to one of the new guys) reading a book. The new guy had light pink hair and circles glasses. He was wearing a white shirt, a pink tie, a brown cardigan and black trousers.  The new guy was watching "Steven Universe" on their phone while waiting for breakfast. The middle hero and the other guy were somewhere in the base, Patton guessed they were asleep.

 "Lo, Emile. The patton cakes are ready. Can you go get Roman and Remy please?" Patton asked, turning to the two guys at the table.  The tallest puts his book down before speaking "My name is Logan, Patton. Not lo. But yes I'll go get Roman. Emile can get his own boyfriend up". Logan then got up and left to get Roman. Emile Nods, puts down his phone and then goes to get Remy. 

A couple minutes later as Patton was putting the pancakes on the table, Logan and Emile walk back into the room followed by two half asleep men. One was the final hero. He was wearing a red shirt with a crown in the middle and white jeans.  The other guy had black hair and black sunglasses over his eyes. He was a white shirt and black jeans.  They all sit down at the table before digging into the food.  "This is amazing, Patton. you have outdone yourself again" The final hero said while stuffing himself with the food. Patton smiled widely at him before thanking him.   "Roman, please refrain from talking with your mouth full" Logan said to the final hero, now known as Roman, who just nodded and continued to eat.   

As everyone finishes eating, The final guy (that we can now guess is Remy) makes a Starbucks drink appear before asking "Hey babes, what's the plans today while me and Em go on our date". He drinks his Starbucks as he waits for an answer. "Well I was thinking me, lo and Ro could watch movies all day and cu--".





Patton was cut off as the alarms went off singling that a crime was being committed somewhere. All five guys got up and rushed to the control room to find out what was happening.  

While Patton, Logan and Roman quickly get their hero costumes on, Emile and Remy find out what was happening. "Anxiety, Deceit and Intrusive are back, babes. They are attacking another building that stores aluminium" Remy says before Emile gives the three heros the address.  The three hero's nod before quickly going to the address.  

Three hero's arrive at the building to find Deceit, Intrusive and anxiety running out of the side entrance to the building. The hero's were all shocked to notice that Anxiety seemed weaker than normal and that Deceit had a massive new cuts on the uncovered side of his face.

 'Creativity, create a fire wall around them and us so they can't escape. Morality, get ready. they may need your healing techniques' Logan spoke using their hero names. Roman and Patton nod before Roman creates a fire wall around them.  That's when the villains finally notice the hero's. Anxiety looks over to Deceit before nodding and suddenly the shadows from the fire make the villains disappear from view but Logan could still sense them being there. Suddenly five arms appear out of the shadows and grabs hold of Patton. Intersive's manic laugh could be heard as five versions of him run to Roman with malices. Roman summons his sword and they start to fight. Anxiety had yet to appear again but the hero's weren't worried about that right now as Deceit had stepped out of the shadows and had thrown Patton near the fire. Logan quickly caught him with his telekinesis. He put Patton down before throwing things at Deceit, who just blocked them with his extra arms. 

The fight lasted half an hour before suddenly the shadows went back to where they belong and in their place was an unconscious Anxiety on the floor. Intrusive and Deceit quickly stop fighting and rush over to Virgil.  Intrusive duplicates and Deceit's extra limbs disappear as they kneel next to Anxiety to make sure he is OK. Patton steps forward, holding his hands up to say he just wants to see if he can heal anxiety but Remus summons his malice and threatens to hit Patton with it if he comes any closer.  While Patton and Roman try to get closer, Logan commed Remy and Emile "Sleep please come we need you".  

Remy turned up five minutes later wearing the same clothes as this morning but with a leather jacket on and with "SLEEP" written on his chest. He pulls his sunglasses down before looking Deceit and Intrusive in the eyes. In a matter of seconds, the villains were asleep. 

"We need to put these three in the cells, when they wake up, I will question them. Leave your costumes on, we don't know when they'll wake up" Logan spoke to the other three who all nod in understanding. 

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